Despite SEIU's attempt to prevent over 100 members from voting, those ballots were allowed to be counted and it turns out they were mostly NEMSA votes! NEMSA overtakes SEIU! Nice try SEIU/L250/IAEP. Just shows you never wanted a fair election all along! Now go run to Washington DC and challenge your loss!
Please, you're really reaching here. There were not 100's of challenged voters, there were 38, and when they are resolved shortly the IAEP will still have won. TIME TO MOVE ON! If all the energy and effort that people put into this whole NEMSA thing was focused on building our union, we'll win a pension at AMR. Lets stop with the lies and mudslinging and move on. For all of you suspicious about whether the 250/IAEP deal was legit, don't just assume, allow yourself to be proven wrong! watch as we move forward, be involved and make sure that our Union is the best local in the best EMS union in the country! Forward!
Nice try... you should really read the agreement set forth by the NLRB for this vote between NEMSA and IAEP. NEMSA has lost THIS vote.. but I'm sure there will be other county/contracts that they can run for.. but this one is in the books. IAEP over NEMSA.... by the majority of the members that voted.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Boy you said it JD.. hopfully there will be this much energy put forth and we will be successful in getting a pension from the pockets of AMR!
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Nicely said jd. This has been a difficult time for us all. There is no time to gloat or sulk (whichever side you were for). Now is the time for us to rebuild our strength. There is room for us all in the union. In fact, I sincerely hope that we can maintain the same enthusiasim over the next several years that we have over the past 6 months.
Anything is possible if we stick together. Lets get ready for our common fight - labor vs management. We want to win retirement, maintain the gains we have made thus far, and remain secure in the knowledge that we will have a job tomorrow. The only way we can accomplish these goals is to heal the wounds that have recently been opened.
Awesome post Roland! I do have to say many of us were very disapointed in Dary's respone after the vote count was finished. He called us all comunists! right in the NLRB courtroom! Can you believe that! Well, I'm thinking the name calling can stop, and lets choose to build what the majority of people have voted on. I do think it is important to understand that the vote was very close, so lets know that there are a lot of different needs to be sensitive too, but I think we can pull it off! -nate
Did you know that rumor of discrimination towards the MDA has hit some fire unions? Did you know that the IAFF supports MDA more than any other charity they work with? I'm sure all the self respecting IAFF unions such as the one in San Mateo County are going to be thrilled with the faxes they received today.