The election is over and it is time to move on. There is a great deal of work to do. It won't be long before we start talking about our next contract.
Unfortunately, we have a lot folks out there that feel let down by SEIU and are going to have problems coming to grips with all of this. Please, remember that these people are still your sister and brother EMT/Paramedic.
On the NEMSA open forum, if it is approved (?), I have proposed putting together an open forum group, with no affiliations represented, with the sole purpose of bringing back a sense of togetherness and family to our members. I feel that a unified front is imperative and we, as field emplyees, could help facilitate this problem of unification. I propose we call this forum "Bridges", and that we meet at multiple locations central to the counties affected by the decertification process.
I also open my home to these meetings. My email is I would gladly give any of you my cell phone number if you feel like this is a good idea and would like to help.
I think Rod is right. I have been told by multiple NEMSA staff persons and supporters that I am too young to have an opinion. I find this beyond ridiculous. This is a worse mission statement then L250 has ever demonstrated. I believe we all have a right to our opinions, whether we have worked here 6 months, 5 years, or 20 years. We all have different insights to bring to the table. I may have only worked here for 4 1/2 years, but I do believe that I, along with many of my co-workers that have spent about the same amount of time in the field have much to offer L250/IAEP, or NEMSA (if NEMSA had won). To be told that our opinions have no "value", and to have been told by the NEMSA president the he is "done" educating me, just shows me now that it is up to the actual members to get this whole thing going. We need everyones help in building what we have been given a chance to do. NEMSA is right in that our union is something we are going to have to build mostly on our own, so why can't we do it with IAEP? I believe it is possible. To say that in no way is it possible, is foolish. I suggest as early as possible leadership meetings. I hope people do not let their pride get in the way of actually demonstrating what a leader is. Many of us are standing by to see the more experienced ones lead the way, please show us that you do care for our future, and not solely about a company surviving! I know many are disapointed in the election outcome, it was very close. But there had to be a winner, even if by one vote. If NEMSA had won, and only by one vote, I do believe that they would feel the conviction to move ahead with representing us. I was told by a NEMSA staff person that local 250 only got 660 votes, and that is not much support. Well NESMA only got 604, so thats even less. I was also told that there should be a re-election because of such low voter turn out. Well actually 1332 votes out of 2400 is extraordinarely good! By any standard, 25% is considered adequate, and we had over 50%! I think it is time to move forward, the voters have spoken. Most of us do not want a re-election, which would cause more division and anger. I say we try what we have, if we are unhappy, and NEMSA can do better in a year or two, I say we take that oppurtunity then. Like I have always said, ( and I hope I speak for most of us!) I have to no alliances to L250, IAEP, NEMSA, Dan M, Torren, Tim, or any union staff person, I have allinances to myself, and my coworkers.