Roland is right, now that the fight against our misguided coworkers is won by a overwhelming majority, the next fight is on to bring AMR to their knees until we get what we want...retirement. watch them as they will give in after we stick together like we always have and give them what they deserve, a strike for weeks on end will hurt them and they know it. the firemen will stand side by side with us when it comes to that point, and so will the Kaiser nurses and the convalescent home nurses and janitors and everyone else who is a brother and sister in solidarity.Remember, AMR is the real enemy here!!! AMR management down to each and every supervisors are people who exploit the fruits of your labor everyday!!!don't trust them!!! even if you think you know them!!! their only job is to exploit you !!! they are not your friend!!! IAEP,local 250 and AFL-CIO, will sit on AMR until they choke on the strenght of the international worker!!! Listen to Roland the R.N. AMR is the enemy, and unless a nemsa supporter changes they mind soon they too are the enemy, because they will always un dermine what you are trying to achieve :international unity with opressed workers everywhere!!! AMR needs to be crushed!!! and nemsa supporters need to be silenced!
no offense.. but I kind of hope that AMR is not crushed... I mean... it is where I work.. and I'd like to have a job... and I'd like to have a pleasant working environment too..
I, too, got into this fight because I want a retirement too.. just like the rich blokes up at the top... but I actually like my sups and ops manager here.. and I know that I can't trust them when it comes to buisness.. that's a given, but as people and fairness is involved.. they're not bad.. but I think it's just this division.. other divisions I've been in.. I don't really trust....
I don't think of AMR as the enemy.. I did at one time.. but now I think of them as children (rich and powerful children, yes) who just need to be taught a lesson in manners. Sometimes kids do need a spanking.. and AMR is much in need of one.
I can see the firefighters standing with us, and maybe officers.. but not really nurses, and definately not janitors. Perhaps I'm wrong in assuming this, but that's how I feel. They are a different entity... well, except ER nurses.. I think they'd stand with us, I shouldn't have been so broad before.
But still.. now that we are 2400 strong.. AMR cannot ignore us. We have more chance of winning the fight then ever before. So take the opportunity and wring out every drop you can!!!
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Although I can understand that members will have a certain amount of disdain for fellow coworkers, who for whatever reason(s), did not agree with their position. That haven been said, it is important now, to set those differences we share, into positive action. This has to include shaking some hands, even when they are wearing a NEMSA shirt, and did not agree with our stated position, lets remember them and acknowledge them as EMS professionals; and then, let us remind ourselves.
Since this post has my name in the title, I think I should chime in a comment. EMT921, you've got some great enthusiasm. I admire your zeal. However, I think our job as IAEP supporters is not to silence the NEMSA supporters, but more to encourage them to join us in our continuing struggle for improved benifits and working conditions. I know a lot of the NEMSA people, and many of them have earned my respect over the past 6 years for a variety of reasons. Our union should be one of inclusion not exclusion. Every member has a voice, and should they desire to let it be heard, we have a duty to listen. Now on the other hand, I believe the NEMSA supporters also have an obligation to recognize the legitimate winner of the NLRB election. As fellow co-workers we have the same goals, and any attempt to undermine the IAEP will only harm everyone. This is not a matter, as one NEMSA supporter stated, of getting the warm fuzzies and wanting to hug. This is a matter of us all banding together in order to show AMR corporate, as well as any new owner that may come along, that we are serious in our struggles, and we will not stop until we get what we have earned.
roland great post. just remember that nemsa poeple believed in what they are doing!!! they will actively undermine what we are trying to build.i urge you to look at nate from santa cruz he's got the right kind of kicka-- attitude we'd like to see!
When we worked together as EMT's back in the mid-80's in Seal Beach, I thought you were awesome. It is nice to see that some things don't change over the years. Your thinking is very clear, and level-headed. It is a breath of fresh air amidst all this turmoil caused by this attempted decertification.
I have no intention of destroying AMR either. They will continue on, whether or not they get the contract within my county. However, they do not play well us, they never have. They continue to show disdain for the very people that produce the revenue for them. I guess that's the way it will always be around here. It gets tiring with them. I have no concern for the RFP process here in CoCo. I will admit there are times when I have thought that maybe a different provider would be a better thing. I see us making very little headway with AMR. I hope that AMR can show the RFP board that they are the better provider. Sometimes, competition is a good thing.
AMR, if any of you managers log in here, prove me to be wrong. After you have successfully negotiated a productive contract that is beneficial to both sides, then I will stand here, with hat in hand, and tell you I was wrong.