as usual, these allegation are unprooven and baseless. we need to think about the future now.a new leadership will have to be put in place soon, and many of you will want to participate! every position from president to shopstewart will have to be filled. what IAEP/l250 needs now is proven leadership, borne out of years of loyalty. in nor-cal there can only be one choice for president.he has proven his political leadership many times over.those allegations of threatening peoples lives, sexual harrasment and financial impropriaties are completely groundless. your choice will be BILL BOWER. he is the only one who has the experience to fight AMR, the real enemy! Bill has already been very active in COCO where he is working to get AMR out of COCO and get SOUTHWEST AMBULANCE in. that my brothers and sisters is the leadership we need!!!someone who is willing to destroy AMR if they do not heed!!!We need to stand in working class unity brothers and sisters!!! now, the choice for vice-president will be also clear. i have heard how todd wilhoyet from sacramento has worked hard to ward of the insurrection by nemsa.for a long time now he has been wanting a place within local 250, and having prooved his unquestioning loyalty to the international concept, he shall be finally rewarded!!! Todd, welcome on board and thank you for your hard work!!! now i know that some of you may have heard that Todd was decertified as shopsteward 3 years ago. THAT IS A LIE!!! ask any sacramento employee who was there back then and they will tell you what really happened!!!
I aprecciate the reponses that i received yesterday!!! true working class brothers and sisters!!!i am however troubled by some of the comments!!! someone questioned that our fellow workers in particular janitors ,convalescent home cna's and police workers might not stand by us when we will strike in 2006.i hope that IAEP/L250 does not have to question your loyalty??? there was also a comment made that someone likes some of the AMR supervisors personally! excuse me? you MUST remember that they are the enemy.Ron the R.N. seems to understand that!!! why can't you??? do i need to remind you about erin in monterrey? she learned real quick!
anyways,i don't want to leave on a negative note, my working class brothers and sisters!!! because that is not what we are about!!! we, at the international ,are about comradeship and brotherhood!!!we stand together with all the workers in the world !!!
Some of the things you are stating are not exactly correct. I have no idea what you are referring to in regards to me in Monterey. Please enlighten me.
O.K., now I definitely know you're from the inner circle of nemsa. Slander is a cloak you love to wear. My name was never on the lawsuit, guess it could have been a "jane Doe". AND frankly I wouldn't have given a damn if I was fighting for something I believed in.
Torren has spun this untruth because he didn't want to share my concerns about nemsa with the rest of you, and frankly none of you have even asked me. He knew; I offered to share it in front of you all, but he didn't want me to. You guys just didn't think me, or Monterey numbers, meant anything. What I did point out to you all, was that my catagory as a lost-timer when nemsa was introduced, was for political/ RFP work. Tim, Torren, Stacy were reps. However, I personally feel Stacy shouldn't be named in the lawsuit as he was also a lost-time rep, not officially a hired employee, and not even in that position for long. Maybe he's a john doe.
And, if you were at the meeting Feb 25th, perhaps you'll remember my concerns, and that I left with the petition with the understanding that this was a petition to have a vote, and that we would have all the facts to make an educated choice by the vote. Why would I keep this secret from Monterey members? That's not my style.
So, you're problem is that, in the end, I didn't like the facts from nemsa. Rather than ever acknowledging that, you call me a coward.
-- Edited by Play with My Money at 13:03, 2004-09-13
You are making unsubstantiated comments about CoCo. Bill has never said he wants Southwest ambulance in our county. But I can assure you we are in a position to keep our options open. If AMR wishes to keep ignoring our wishes for a better workplace, then that just may be where we are headed.
Bill has not made any public comment about any intention to run for a seat with IAEP, so maybe you should let him speak for himself - he does not need you to do it for him.
Same goes for Erin, whom I like very much, ap erson who first embraced NEMSA, but then when she took a much harder look at it, realized that this was not the way to go. A person who has worked very hard as the chief shop steward for her county. She also does not need you to speak about her or any situation she has been or is now involved with.
So, how os your re-vote bid going over there at NEMSA? Do we keep voting until you finally get the result you want?
I noticed Tracy and Dari have been allowed to post a pro-NEMSA commentary on the NEMSA board about their bid to re-vote. But yet, any opposing comments have been stifled completely. Yet, you people are still allowed to come here and post whatever you feel.
So, the question begs to be asked. Why would anyone ever want to be represented by a group that suppresses the thoughts and feelings from the individuals they represent? The whole idea behind having a union is to have input and ideas from a whole group of people, not just the few that get past the censorship of one. Why would you want to be represented by a group that would entertain thoughts of killing his fellow human being with a machete and familial homicide?
of course bill can speak for himself,he would be a great candidate, wouldn't you agree? i know you are with us, and we have apprciated all the helpyou have given us to defeat nemsa!!
i understand your can never be too careful! since we won the vote anyways and nemsa is not a danger anymore,doesn't mean you can let your guard down!!! not with AMR and not with nemsa supporters(if there is any left!!!)
erin, erin. why are you so defensive??? what lawsuit against you are you talking about dear? torren,tim and stacy got what they deserved!!! would you not agree?even though you were rumored to be a early nemsa supporter, you saw what happened to those guys, saw how stron l250 really is and finally made the right relax erin, and let's all enjoy the win.
I have to fly here, spent time away from my family and you call me a deceiver??? exactly what problem do you have with the afl-cio international? i hope not any!
EMT921, I don't think you get it, we know you are the same person as Ethical, you replied by accident in the wrong name, no worries though, keeping the NEMSA drama up is entertaining sometimes. Soon the drama will fade, and the real ems only union will be in full effect,
EMT, YOU have put Erin in the position where she feels the need to defend herself, and you now turn and question her for doing so?
I am not going to hunt down IP addresses to try and figure out who you are; I guess I will simply answer comments posted by anyone when I feel it is appropriate. If it is your intent to at least imply support for this union, and you make comments worthy of rebuking, then we will gladly come to your aid. You have been worthy of such rebuking. If you indeed support us, then choose your comments more wisely. This is not the image we wish for our union, which is important to us.
Oh Ethical/EMT921...... my, my, my, you are a bitter soul.
No matter what illogical ranting you toss out, I will still not believe that AMR is the "enemy". They are the company I work for and need to be kept in line by having a union in power. You forget the I worked for AMR before there was a union and I have seen them at their literal worst, and at one time I did think that they were the devil's spawn... until I worked for other ambulance companies and saw a whole different side of how bad it could really be. It's not so bad here, if you have a union that is..... Has it not been made more then apparent with this whole NEMSA demonstration that brow beating, harsh words, and name calling gets you about right in the middle of nowhere? I'm not saying that we don't have to play hard ball with AMR, of course they are going to try to keep what they have and spend as little as possible. That's what companies do, why do you think all the others companies in America are out sourcing jobs from this country? it's cheaper = less money spent= more money in their pockets. That's how business works, whether or not we like it or agree with it. We have the advantage in that this job cannot be outsourced, so we can at least be secure in that corner.
And nope, I just don't see the janitors and nurses walking the line with us. I'd love to stand corrected and hope to see that day.. but I just don't see them doing it. It's like saying that we would walk the line with the grocery workers because we..... buy groceries there for the stations. ER nurses might get out there with us, they see us on a daily basis and work very close to us, but janitors.... definately not. Why on earth would they? What do we do for them except run a diry gurney and boots over their wet floors down the ER hall way? Not only that, but they aren't a part of IAEP, so.... again, why should they? Oh, because IAEP is affiliated with SEIU.. mm.....I've never heard of AMR employee's walking the lines with nurses or janitors for their least not so that they've advertised it, affiliation or no affiliation. But like I said... I hope I stand corrected on that point.
And yes... I do consider a few AMR sups to be alright in my book. There will always be the bad apples... but that's true of field employee's too, isn't it? And if you'll remember, I did say that when it comes to business, no, I don't really trust them as they are speaking for AMR and AMR has itself to look after (and we have a union to look after us). But other than that, some sups are just great!!!! And, indeed, I do think that my Ops manager is alright.. this one at least.... but notice that I'm only talking about the few and far between... not, all as I think you assumed, the whole. What's wrong with thinking your sups alright? They are people aren't they, not just sups....I'm just not the kind of person to seek revenge because of someone's position in the skeem of things.
My loyalty... mmmm.. now I wonder what gives you the impression that my loyalty should be questioned...... ignorance must be bliss. Obviously you don't read all, or even some of my posts to know that my loyalty stands with my coworkers, first and foremost, then the union of my choice.. which is also obvious. I realize that my opinion does not speak for all in my division.. but it is my right to have my opinion, just as it is yours.
And... I still don't think that AMR should be destroyed.. you have yet to give me legitament reasons to change my mind. I work here and I like it. I've worked at other companies and this ain't as bad as I thought it was. I feel some things do have to change, but.. I do want to keep my job.. and that means having a company (AMR) to work for.
I'd like to hear some of your justifications to oust your employer and bring in a new company... hummmm.. sounds an awful lot like your desire to oust SEIU and bring in NEMSA. You haven't gotten what you want, or been treated how you think you should, so let's get rid of them and bring in something that has the prettiest wrapping!! Oh! Isn't it lovely!!! I'm sorry, but when did the employee's have the right to kick out their employer because they didn't like them? If you don't like working for them, don't.. work somewhere else. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not entirely sure on this point, but... doesn't AMR hold the contract with the city/county.. and therefore can't be "kicked out" unless they are released or outbid from that contract? What would happen if your union rallied for a different company to come in and take over that area, as you've implied? Working along side is one thing, but you sound as though you want AMR out completely and Southwest in thier place....
But then I wonder if by chance NEMSA has a toe hold on this Southwest Ambulance.. I mean it is obvious whom you support.. could this be your way of finally getting a paycheck from Torren? Or maybe they don't have a union in place and therefore NEMSA can "bring them to the good side"....But then.. perhaps I'm way off base.... who knows.........
By the way.. since you allude to the fact that you are an IAEP rep... would you mind identifing yourself?? I doubt you will however since you obviously are someone who probably is high up on the NEMSA totem pole and are simply looking for a paycheck possibilty from the "voted" president of said organization. IAEP representative don't hide behind their monikers, nor do they spread disention of the ranks.
Mooooviiinnnnnnng Ooooooooooonnnnn now to topics of real meat and substance.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
I have a question for you. You are all about IAEP and your boyfriends the Nupp Brothers, but I guess you didn't get the memo. 250 is not entering into the service agreement for North Hollywood at least that is what your girl friend Audra said. You better get it in writing. Sorry darlin no Nupp for you. So will you continue to inject yourself onto the IAEP stage when you are remaining 250?
Actually, I have it on very good authority the service agreement is to be signed in the next day or two for this divsion..... oh.. and both my boyfriend AND myself are strong supporters of the Nupps. They were the founders of a union of any kind (just happened to be IAEP) in our old division and have always answered our questions with the truth, even when the answer didn't shed them or the union in good light.. which was rare.. not to mention that they are both courteous, intelligent, professional, and damn fun to be around.
Just as you will continue to support a minute organization who lost the vote to represent you, I will always support and interject on behalf of IAEP, until they prove themselves in my eyes to be unworthy, and that has yet to happen.
Enjoy the new union!
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Because they are hate filled. It is irrational and displaced. You can't find reason. There's the impression that they will attack anything that gets between them and their belly. Its all self-serving, using displaced hate to justify malfeant actions. There's obsession, with no recognition for anything outside that obsession. Creepy like a serial killer, lonely. It defies any attempt to bring others in and form a union, to gain wisdom from a multitude of counsel.