I happened upon an interesting article out Andy Stern the president of SEIU, in Businessweek (okay I saw the cover and appropriated it from a deli while at work) He's got some interesting ideas about Labor in the US, reform and the AFL-CIO
I read that a few days ago. Mr. Stern is certainly ambitious in nature. Not a whole lot of love lost between him and Sweeney though, considering their obvious connections to one another. I will agree with one thing, the labor movement needs a jump start.
no problem. Andy Stern's an ambitious guy, as Israel noted, he seems to have IWW on the brain. I think any push for more labor power is a good thing, the details will get ironed out.
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
The labor movement needs a jumpstart and a definate new way of convincing members to not vote for people that will harm their working conditions and the laws that protect them.
Holy Cow! We have people that are going to vote for Bush! For morality sake???