I'm a new employee in Sac and new to this field. I didn't vote in the last election because I didn't really know what was going on. I didn't understand the whole Local 250/IAEP "thing" and NEMSA but now I guess IAEP won (?).
I have a friend who came from the L.A. area about 6 mths. ago. She doesn't work for AMR anymore but still has friends down there who work for AMR and she tells me that sometimes IAEP can't even pay their cell phone bills and their phone's get shut off all the time. There is alot of stuff about how bad the contract is. The latest contract talks went down in a really bad way. IAEP couldn't "do" the contract so another union had to come in and try to finish it but it's not happening.
I work with an older guy here in Sac. and he tells me that he doesn't know too much about IAEP either. My friend tells me that her friends from LA are not happy with IAEP, kinda like the same as what I heard people saying about Local 250. I'm planning to either go into nursing school or paramedic school in the next year or two so I dont' really know how all this affects me. I just thought I'd check out the web-site and what other people have to say, and tell my two cents.
Thanks for the information . I have heard the same from the 187 members. I have tried to tell some North Cal. members the same thing , but all they want to do is attact us non-IAEP suppoters. Guess they will find out the hard way.
I cant answer the cell phones issue but I have met alot of people who work in LA and the problems they have are the people they voted to run their local (for the most part). Those people are the same people that negotiate the contracts so if you appoint bad people to represent you then you have some problems. In our local here we will hopefully vote in people with experience in contract negotiations. Most if not all of the current chief shop stewards in all of our counties were involved in the last contract negotiation (and the one before that) so we have really good experience here in NorCal. There are a few people who were and are very staunch NEMSA supporters some of whom do not want to participate in IAEP and that is their choice but for the most past our negotiating team should look a lot like our last negotiating team. Ask around, we have the best contract in the country for private EMS workers. That is not an accident, it is directly related to the hard working and dedicated people in our union. Many of them were on opposite sides of the recent vote and we are working hard to bring everyone back together again.
So, we get to use IAEP's resources to the best of our abilities just like we used 250's resources to negotiate the best contract in the country (and by we I dont mean me because I arrived 3 years ago). Without good people from your local you dont get a good contract. I dont work in LA so i cant speak for them but there are a few LA people on this forum. Hopefully they can answer some of your questions. I am confident that we have the resources, experience, and motivation to secure another stellar contract.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
I've worked under IAEP in the LA area, and I loved it. I've never heard of "them" not being able to pay their cell phone bills... unless it is a personal cell phone bill that a person can't pay... the bill goes directly to IAEP unless I'm mistaken.........
Also.. please keep in mind that no matter where you go or where you work or what you do.. not everyone is going to like everything all the time. It just doesn't work that way. Also, unless this "person" has actually worked under a different union.... there's not comparison. You know how that saying that "the grass is always greener on the other side... until you get to the other side".. and then you find out it's.. CR*P for lack of better words. Try working for AMR without a union for a while... or try working under SEIU... I'll always pick IAEP.. paritcularly since I've worked under both of those conditions.....
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
I can relate. My bills are never paid on time. I have to constantly rotate my tardy bills so that I can have my once a year forgiveness from my benevolent services. As another person working in EMS, there is not much disposable income for covering the costs of something luxurious like a cell phone bill.
I thank you for your concern about IAEP issues in LA. I wish more people would raise concerns and get involved, ask questions, and most importantly, attend meetings as they come around. I will check with Marc Pinkas, who is temporarily in charge of organizing our new local, to see when the next time we will be in Sacramento. I have gotten to know a few of the folks in your area and I would love to hear their feedback.
Since I cannot speak with clarity on other locals ( I simply am not up to speed on others' business), I can say that people up here people are very involved with the state of their representative force. I was amazed at the turn-out we received on our vote. When you have that kind of involvement, it makes for a more unified front, even when there are disagreements, which there are sure to be. If there is any positive notes that come out of the decertification attempts is that people wanted a change and are more vocal about it.
Come out and meet IAEP in Contra Costa. Marc Pinkas and I will be hosting this meeting at the Baypoint station from 8 - 10 am. We have several rigs that change out in those hours, and Marc has been insanely busy going from county to county getting to know everyone. Please call AMR CoCo Operations at 925)602-1300 for directions to this station. Yvette, Overall Knower of Everything, will be glad to help you at extension 10.
Of course, but I can assure you there will be no ground breaking decisions made. This is going to be a collection of members with their collection of ideas. We will also be going over and updating folks on local issues like our RFP.
There have been no changes in our plan: 60 days to determine a By-Law cmte and write our Con & By-Laws, and 90 days to elect our E-Board. Start thinking about those persons that you all think will be the best candidates to fill these very large shoes. I hope we have several people interested in these positions with a subsequent good turn-out of members voting. Nothing wrong with a little competition within our own ranks.
Hope to see some of you tomorrow. Remember, this is not a CoCo only meeting. Any of you may come, it is YOUR union.
60 days to determine who will be on the bylaw committee? 90 days to have the bylaws done? Is that 90 days from the end of the 60 days or is that 90 days from now? Bylaws are big, big documents. Big deal I mean.
We will have determined our by-laws cmte within the next 10-14 days. After talking with many people from the different counties, we feel it is best to fill the seats on this cmte on a voluntary basis. We feel it is important to keep this local as open and accessible as possible to all the members, including those that may have previously supported NEMSA, but still wish to have a say in their representation. An election would tend to isolate and potentially exclude some that would be interested in getting involved. You may contact either Marc Pinkas (email address on this site), or myself at Maybaby00@msn.com if you wish to participate. Our goal is to have the entire Constitution and By-Laws written and ready for a ratification vote within the next 45-50 days. 30 days after that, it is the goal of this local to have an elected E-Board in place. We are right on schedule.
Marc is still looking for an appropriate, accessible location for the IAEP office, but nothing has been decided as of yet. We are planning on sending out an IAEP newsletter to all of the members bringing everyone up to speed on our progress. We are also contemplating expanding this site for better communication, along with other on-line communication software.