Your starting to sound like an old tired record that has long since lost it's youthful exuberance. My friend you must realize that what is done is done and your attacks on specific groups of people will only add fuel to the fire and not extinguish it. You say you where a 250 supporter, well I must say I am proud of you. I am proud of you that you where able to sift through the seemingly insurmountable amount partisan rhetoric being belched from the smoke stacks of the two competing parties. I encourage you to lay down your circuitous remarks and your onerously stated opinions. Rods use of the verbage we, our, us, so on and so forth are obviously offered as words of inclusion. That is to say the intent is to bring all of us into his statements. Which I must say sir is far more than that with which you have put forward on the alter of unity. So please sir if you would kindly reserve your comments to being productive in our focus of establishing our new local within the IAEP. However if something troubles you I encourage you to indentify your concerns and bring them forth and perhaps with a possible solution so that we all may consider your concern.
I have brought forth many concerns and because those concerns cut to the quick of the legitimacy of this organization, they are ignored and counted as non-productive. I am insulted, called Tim Bonifay and told to go away. The facts are still the facts. I voted for 250 not IAEP. I cannot nor can many of my co-workers support an organization that was not legitimately established.
I am sorry that you will be unable to support your coworkers and the union they have chosen to represent them the IAEP. However I must say your comments cut to the quick of nothing. Your statements are more like quick sand. A seemingly harmless puddle that should be navigable easily enough however proves dangerous to the unsuspecting traveler as they are sucked into your world of, they did it without me. You sir are failing to grasp the simple and legitimate concept of subcontracting. The agreement with the IAEP is nothing more than a subcontracting agreement between 250 and the IAEP. An agreement I might add that was published and distributed to everyone. You have made your decision to not support us and we will respect that. If in the future you should decide to join us then we welcome you.
You again are incorrect. My Co-workers did not vote for nor do they support IAEP. IAEP in case you didn't know was not on the ballot. The service agreement was entered into without the consent of the membership. 2 stewards and 2 members do not constitute the voice of 2400 EMS workers in northern California. 25 COCO employees on a conference call doesn’t either. The standard SEIU operating procedures of secret backroom deals are no longer going to cut it anymore.
You're numbers and demographics are whacked. This has been addressed under the thread started by medic one: Service Agreement??, and under others, plus plenty on the old nemsa forum. I must acknowledge the strategy in waiting until all those responses are buried in the past until its brought up again. Its obvious that you are not interested in coming to any solution to deal with this complaint about the vote.
You can certainly choose to cause division and tear this union apart out of spite. You can do that until there's another election, or counties decertify and split off once the NLRB time limits are met. Like I said on another thread, that will be the story of us. A labor group that cannabalized itself into extinction. I do speculate that the only reason this is the strategy is because some had a personal investment beyond the welfare of the members. Otherwise, you wouldn't support an agenda that will decimate all. You would raise your objections, come to a solution that would remedy your complaints for the meantime (because another instant NLRB vote is impossible), and work with and watchdog the building of the local until it is time for another vote, or whatever is on your agenda. Whatever is built need not be lost in the future. People can be voted out as well as in. Choose well your hills you decide to die on. There is the welfare of the troops to consider.
I would be all too happy to support a group that was brought in legitimately. But IAEP is an illegitimate organization, so to get behind a back room deal made by a few elite 250 and IAEP poodles, to the exclusion of everyone else, and support an illegitimate organization is a wholesale sell out of the members and violation of the principle of integrity which you, who were the select few that got to choose for us, just don't seem to understand.
So again, I refer you to my response under the earlier thread and above, and the numerous responses from other members. Since these are not satisfactory, propose a method to deal with it other than tearing everything down. If you hate everyone who has tried to the best of their ability to navigate this mess and make the best assessment they could towards the betterment of this occupation, then get involved. Enlighten us. Facilitate democratic input from all. If you just want to do your best to sabotage anything until you see your agenda materialize, then you will continue in your current vein, harming all due to your own selfishness.
Continuing to state that IAEP is illegitimate is the opinion of some. Not all. I understand the position. I also take in to consideration the environment we were in, and as I stated under that earlier thread, there was more participation from members to bring IAEP to a vote than for anything other than contract ratification that I can recall in my past four years of being involved with labor representation. We need to move towards doing things different. My understanding was that everyone who signed the flyer to build a better EMS division was contacted. There were a lot more members involved than 2 poodles.
-- Edited by Play with My Money at 15:07, 2004-10-01