NEMSA had a debate in Monterey with SEIU Local 250. There were many points made from both sides. One of the more passionate points had to do with bereavement. Somebody had a tragedy in their life. NEMSA told the audience that when Dan Martin was asked if there was anything more that 250 could provide, Dan suggested a bake sale to raise more money. The part that was not said in the debate was that 250 has a fund that was tapped into but the individual needed more money. All that was allowable to give had been used, so Vice President Martin suggested a bake sale. Not the most creative solution, but it was not a slam either.
Medic One has shown his opinion of tragedy. On another thread, Nate (STRIFE) explained a circumstance to Medic One. Medic One had been pecking away at Nate regarding his living at home status. Nate explained that he had been living at his girlfriends home and that she passed away in a car accident. This is why he temporarily moved back home.
Medic One said that Nate was sharing his tragedy to gain political strength and that that was unethical. Medic One said that everybody has tragedy. In short, 250 has a bereavement fund and will make suggestions on how to help out members. NEMSA will just tell you to get over it and move on with your life, everybody suffers.
Everybody would suffer under NEMSA.
The examples of psychosis, cruelty and anger are demonstrated everyday by people that support NEMSA. It is a shame that the majority of NEMSA supporters are crazy because you cannot negotiate with crazy people.
I think the pirate flag pictures are very appropriate. They believe in raiding and slitting throats as they go after gain. Their hate filled insults, which was their contribution to this vote debate, brought about the demise of nemsa. Now they are bringing it here to do the same. The terrible trio.
-- Edited by Play with My Money at 03:02, 2004-10-02
-- Edited by Play with My Money at 10:44, 2004-10-02
It would only take a few seconds for anyone with reasonable intelligence to see what's going on here. NEMSA supporters coming on here have no respect whatsoever for the vote of their peers.
It is one insult after another. There has not been a single positive note come from them, just hate and disdain for their fellow workers. Then they want us to turn around, go against the desires of those that showed the commitment to vote, and have yet another vote because they don't like the results. By their actions here, and total lack of leadership, they continuously show why they should not be our representatives. NEMSA was never about the rank and file. They have criticized that IAEP is already off to a bad start. Do we need to remind them of NEMSA's start? It is obvious to everyone that Torren had been planning NEMSA while on SEIU's time. He clearly has broken Article 16 on several accounts. While on SEIU time (of course Aaron Pelican will adamantly deny that this is the case, he has stated to me "Haven't you ever had an off-duty hobby before?"), he planned and strategized against his own union, with the sole purpose of decertifying said union, and taking its membership and dues. He gives SEIU same day notice to quit, turning his backs on the very people has was supposed to be representing, then turns around and wants their support, which he ultimately does not get. Then you people sit here and wonder why SEIU has filed a lawsuit?
Get it through your heads - there was a reason why you were outvoted - many people were disgusted by your actions. Then they turn and blame CoCo for their demise. Fact, only 190 out of a possible approximately 2400 votes came from CoCo. It is not CoCo's fault you couldn't get your vote out. Instead of looking inward to see where the true problem lies, they assign blame to everyone except themselves. I haven't heard a single one of them come on here and blame the NLRB thus far, but 5 out of 11 of their objections were against the NLRB. They also had multiple objections against AMR, despite the fact that AMR, on two separate occasions, called local police and had IAEP and SEIU rep's removed from the property, while NEMSA was very visibly ushered right through the front door.
Their strategy is obvious - attack and mislead at every corner. They are desperate, and desperate times calls for desperate measures. They have a longshot chance with the NLRB, but if they are granted a run-off, then they must be on the attack from every direction if they have any chance at that longshot. Every person striving to help our local is going to be attacked repeatedly. It is their only hope. They realize we outvoted them, so now they must break us down. The vote is in the hands of the NLRB. That is set in stone. There will be no further voting done by the rank and file as far as this decertification attempt is concerned. The NLRB will decide it.
People, it is time to move on. You have been invited in to IAEP several times. We are going forward, we are going to establish this local, we are going to write our by-laws, we are going to give our members the representation they need.
If I said it once I said it a million times. There will be no support for an illegitimate union that was brought in by a group of self centered, self absorbed individuals, without the consent of, and to the deliberate exclusion of over 1800 members or their elected leaders.
Here you all go again on the NEMSA attack. “Oh no a NEMSA supporter is mean, help us, help us, the sky is falling, we are poor innocent victims of Barbary, someone save us from NEMSA” Get a grip!
NEMSA had nothing to do with the illegitimate IEAP being forced on us. You have been caught in your scheme in minute detail and now you are seeking to distract from your blatant deceit and guilt by going back to same old "NEMSA people are really mean so please don't look at the fact that we screwed everyone of our co-workers and just go along with us" Rod will be our king and will save us.
We are not buying it. Get off NEMSA and address the issues! IAEP was not voted on by the membership, they were brought here in a backroom meeting of self interested individuals without the member's involvement and that is immoral, unethical, dishonest and not acceptable. So go on Rod COCO love IAEP and stroke you till the cows come home, but the rest of us are not about to support an illegitimate union.
I have supported the point of IAEP needing a vote of the entire membership before it can be considered legitimate. That vote will come. We will have a chance to say 250 or IAEP. Maybe NEMSA and neither can be on the ballot also.
As for NEMSA, I have a very cold chill after reading some recent Medic One postings. It re-enforces the dispiriting Tim Bonifay letter. There is little I can do to not support IAEP since the NEMSA alternative is overshadowed with morally reprehensible imputed bad character on multiple occasions.
Sorry no one here can move on.......You ALL have lost me. Good luck in your endeavors.........Yes i will bitch about each and everyone of you.
You all SUCK !! Thats right totally politically incorrect but to the point. Get a life, move on, or dont. I just cant seem to find a reason to care about any of this crap. No one here is trying to legitametly accomplish anything. They just like to argue their points-The same ones- over and over and over......trying to win politcal points, or cause exactly this, or just typing to make yourself look good to someone, maybe yourself.
Hopefully someday all of you will realize that you (EACH and everyone of you) caused the failure of this union be it 250, IAEP, NEMSA.
I also finally realize it dosent matter who won, we would be in the same boat no matter what........Why ?? Because obviously Paramedics and EMT's that work for AMR are childish unrealistic, materialistic bastards !!
Well i am done. Hope all goes well, i am officially one of the masses that cant give a crap any more.
Good Bye,
Mark T........... Shasta, one of the Childish bastards