did you see that the old NEMSA webpage is back up... What happened to all the pretty colors and soothing music?? The message board is still down.. and all the announcements are still the same.. but hey.. I guess when your money is a little short, you gotta go back to the old reliable right? Wish they'd get the message board back up though, the bashing, unfounded accusations, and repetative boredom that the die-hard NEMSA zealots keep posting, getting old... and I'm sure that my fingers aren't the only one's being typed into bloody nubbs from repeating over and over and over and over and over again the same explainations and reasonings in response to the continued to posts in regards to money, illegitamacy, vote counts, support, etc. etc..... But, you know, some people just can't move on, they don't accept change or defeat with dignity.... guess being "young" does have it's advantages. Youth is being proven to bring growth, acceptance, betterment, and concern for all, while the old coots continue to live in the past, everyone else moves on and continues with life and the process of healing and getting the job done that is set before them. I guess age does not equal wisdom, maturity, nor grace....
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
I agree totally. I wish we could just use this site for planning and developing. It is time to move on. I am tired of it.
We have so many other things to focus on.
If it's all the same to you folks, I am not going to respond to any further attacks made upon this union, despite their inflammatory nature. I know it is hard when unfounded accusations fly, but just answering gives them the feeling legitimacy.
I went to the redemption webpage. Never did see the flash intro. I was bummed about that. The same professional rhetoric is on every page. There was no sign of psychosis hoping to dismember a human being. Very clean, caring and compassionate message for EMS professionals. Good marketing and presentation. The business campaign is underway. NEMSA looks like they are going to sell themselves. Nobody will ever know about the depraved nature of the vocal leaders and supporters of NEMSA. Never forget the insanity we barely avoided.
Very well said.. I couldn't agree with you more. I'm so tired of trying to do the right thing and give people information when they ask for it or have obviously been misinformed. I'm tired of the bashing and belittling and unreasonablity of certain people. It's draining and accomplishes nothing. I try to appreciate people's opinions, all of them, even when they are the exact opposite of what I believe in, but there are some who post here who don't believe that others deserve the same respect. I thought that we were all professionals here and could work together to accomplish a like minded goal.. but some don't want to hear of building something that could potentially be amazing, they want to burn it down before it's even started and stomp on those that would attempt to build it in the first place....
And I KNOW that since I've taken this moment to express my concerns, feelings, and worries, those same people will come and jump all over me, just like they did to Nate when he tried to explain his living situation. He didn't HAVE to tell anyone anything about his life or past, but he did because he felt they deserved an answer to their questions. And what did he get for that openness, a kick in the mouth. How do these people survive in this world? It doesn't revolve around them and they are not the only people in it.. no matter what they believe...
It's times like these that I truly appreciate the division that I work for and am thankful that it is not in NorCal, because.. this is just turning into cr*p for all of you. Thankfully the North Hollywood division is small and works TOGETHER to accomplish goals instead of tearing people apart because they have a difference of opinion. People like those on this message board are few and far between, if they even exist at all in this division.. which I'm glad to say I doubt.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
FYI.. the NEMSA page is now .com instead of .org... although now the link for the message board is completely gone.. shucks.. I was hoping against hope that they would start it up again.. ohhhh welllllll................ All the outdated "updates" are still up however.....
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Yep, that's the old web page alright. Along with all the old, tired lies of CoCo employees being sold out. But, with a new twist, the vote going IAEP's way is being blamed almost entirely on CoCo. Again, out of the possible 2381 votes that were available for either side, 190 of them came from CoCo. There is no possible way to spin that, it is just solid fact. NEMSA simply did not impress enough people to turn out their vote. But they blame CoCo employees for voting. This is so ridiculous, it is hard to fathom. Funny, I distinctly remember hearing Torren tell us that they had more support in CoCo than we were willing to believe. So, if that's how they feel, why the blame on CoCo? You guys say that you had support in CoCo, so now why more negative CoCo rhetoric?
Hard to face the facts, but the bottom line is NEMSA did not get the votes they needed. Only 190 out of a possible 2381 came out of CoCo, with no one really knowing how many of those votes were actually for IAEP. There were 2191 other votes that they could have gotten, but they obviously didn't. These are facts, not spin. It's not open for interpretation, unless of course you are Torren Colcord.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10