Chickens, they have a habit of pecking to death another chicken when it has suffered an injury. Chickens will also eat their young. Chickens remind me of dinosaurs and they went extinct. Chickens sh*t everywhere. Chickens will fight most ferociously over a chicken bone to eat.
You know I’ve read all your chicken analogies....Peck, Peck, Peck...IAEP supporters are wounded chickens....Peck, Peck, Peck...Darwin had another analogy for it, he called it "Survival of the fittest"......I’d rather be in that group when the farmer comes with his axe.
I've raised chickens. This isn't a civil war, its more like a fight in the chicken coop. Those that didn't win the fight over the bone, are pecking at the wounds obtained by some of the chickens. Chickens will do that. Peck, peck, peck at the wound; until it grows and gets infected because it can never heal. Then the chicken gets sick and dies. Pecking to the death.
Soon the owner who feeds the chickens will come in with his axe. It will be chicken killing day.