I am not the most productive person around, but I think that there should be constructive dialogue here at the forum.
I've been a nasty b*tch long enough. I do not want to keep intelligent conversation that will pave our future at bay. I want to keep a**hol*s away so that productive conversation can take place. I hope that those of you delicate IAEP types that are seeking a bright future are communicating and getting your poop in a group.
I'll bottom feed with the NEMSITES, I didn't want to but alas, it is where I settled in.
Good luck and be sure you guys have a big party soon! You need to have an immature drinking bash where you can mimic the multiple personalities that have been on here.
Now try to bring ideas and solutions to the table, Duck hunters and prehistoric animals cannot evolve with todays climate and conditions.
I have a queation about our future field rep's., I'm not sure if anyone on here has the answer...
1. how many?
2. who?
3. from where?
4. by what decision process?
please nemsa folk, let me ask a normal question of my new union without using it as an oppurtunity to blather on endlessly and engage in pointless pi$$ing contests.
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
They haven't decided on a number yet. Local 660 was just a proposed idea. If you have any input, productive I might add, I am sure they will welcome it.
Im not positive but I believe the selection process is being formed right now for the field reps and I think it will be discussed further at the bylaw meetings. I have heard some rumors about who is being considered but its probably not appropriate to discuss here since opinions somehow become truth on this forum. I think there are going to be 4 reps and as far as I know IAEP wants at least 2 but maybe all of them to be people from our bargaining unit who would like to move into a full time field rep job. Make sure you attend the bylaw meetings and ask about the full time reps. The IAEP folks there will have better info than me.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
That’s great! I wonder which stellar geniuses that have no flipping clue they are going to get. The people that kissed the most butt during the campaign no less. Rod will be the first pick no doubt then Nate.
I hope they pick em all. After their work it will be a cake walk for NEMSA to come in.
How is the damage control going? By the way, when people discriminate against kids and the watchers of the nonprofits see that, they become very disillusioned. If make a wish foundation and the other folks out there that NEMSA advocates for don't ever tell you about the factual printed representation of your ideals, they are just quietly not supporting you. Philanthropists rarely speak aggresively like medics.
quote: Originally posted by: Vernon Thymes "That’s great! I wonder which stellar geniuses that have no flipping clue they are going to get. The people that kissed the most butt during the campaign no less. Rod will be the first pick no doubt then Nate. I hope they pick em all. After their work it will be a cake walk for NEMSA to come in. "
Actually Nate is not one of them And out of curiosity, how did Torren get his job as the field rep for 250? Did he have to kiss any butt? Im sure he was selected because the 250 folks felt he was a hard worker and would fit into the field rep role. Thats probably how these new folks will be approached for the field rep job. Somehow its Ok for your fearless leader to have been selected on personal feelings but its not Ok for anybody else? Show up to your bylaws meetings and express your feelings about who is being considered. If anyone goes to the bylaw meetings with concrete reasons who someone should not be our reps, I for one would be very interesed in hearing about it.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
I will repeat myself since you insist on not reading all of my earlier posts on this thread. I dont know who is being considered for the field rep jobs. I have heard rumors but I dont think I should pass those rumors on because it will come back that I said those names as 100% truthfull statements. No thanks. Im sure most people out there are hearing the same rumors that I am. Show up to your counties bylaw meeting and ask questions. That would be a better way to hear the official news. And I know that Nate is not one of the people because I see him every few days or so and talk to him by phone just about every day. It is not a job that he is interested in having and I dont think he was even approached to consider it. Some of us in Santa Cruz are happy working on the ambulance and wouldnt want to work full time union office jobs. Go to the bylaw meetings! Its the best way to hear something other than opinion or speculation.
-- Edited by snake911 at 16:55, 2004-10-13
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
Sorry Aaron, unlike yourself I became more involved in this campaign because I wanted something better for the members, not something that benefits just MYSELF AND A FEW OTHERS! Unlike you with NEMSA, those of us who campaigned for IAEP did not do it for more pay, or for a job. Many of us sacrificed our time off, but miles on our cars, used our money for gas, food! Also, for those who are interested in being Reps, more power to them! that is awesome! Aaron, is it a NEMSA trait to insult or guilt trip people who want to be leaders, or work for the union? I don't understand you, you are one big walking irony, its getting grosser and grosser. I still believe however you must have some good input, you have spent a long time in this field. I hope to see you at the meeting in Santa Cruz.
Nate you are so full of it. Get of the I’m in this for the money thing. NEMSA has not payed me a dime or reimbursed me for anything......That can not be said of you and your co-IAEP supporters....You where paid lost time by 250 to go out and campaign for IAEP. They put you up in a hotel in different counties and paid for at least some of your meals.....No NEMSA supporter was paid anything to campaign for NEMSA they used their PTO time and their own MONEY. L250 had the luxury with AMR to take people on lost time. NEMSA did not have that same Luxury. If NEMSA asked AMR to do it they would have told them to pound sand..... I wonder how many of you would have actually come out to other counties to advocate IAEP if you where not getting paid to do it.
Actually I'm not sorry for the money thing, I really do believe you were offered something. Also, L250 didn't pay me a dime, I never went on lost time, what are you talking about? I continued to work full time at AMR while assisting on the campaign. Maybe you should get over the wicked lies you write. You can call my ops manager Dave Zenker to verify if I ever went on lost time. Also, L250 only put one person on lost time, and she was already on lost time for them, and dedicated most of that time to political issues in her county regarding the RFP. You need a fact check big time! Also, myself, Brad, Shonoa, Heather Z, and Dave G (all members from santa cruz) dedicated voluntary time to go to other counties to help get the info about IAEP out. NONE OF US GOT PAID A DIME! I'm sure there are ways to verify this, I would love to show you. Nice try though, thinking you got us caught! I guarantee the work we put into getting the IAEP information out there was 100% voluntary. Also, it was stated by your very own NEMSA supporters that there were financial gains to be made from NEMSA if it went big on a national lever. You can't say that any of us said that!
I cant speak for everyone but I would be honored to have Forfend come to the Santa Cruz meeting. Although I might ask you to tone down the sailor talk. Its burns my young ears.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
What if I said that Santa Cruz is a tree hugging hippie town? Would I still be welcome? Do you remember that rocket scientist WCUnionGuy? I think he had a girl name. Probably explains why he is so angry. Kinda like a boy named Sue. I remember the great leader that was setting himself up to be the East Coast West Coast connection drove his personal truck up here with a NEMSA banner style sticker on the rear window. Advertising at its best. He said that Santa Cruz was some kind of tree hugger place.
Now if I agreed with him about Santa Cruz being a place that makes me want to point a shotgun at seagulls and burn nature and chop trees and build mini malls and advocate for non union box stores and continue to pave and pave for more cars, would I still be welcome to Santa Cruz.
I would hope not. You see, I like to breathe. I depend on a whole lotta trees because there are a lot of mouth breathing NEMSITES burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate. Their daily diet can sustain a village in India for a week. I don't hug trees, but I know their importance. I drive an internal combustion vehicle and I burn way too much diesel in my job.
I will never lead or be productive in the union, but I see the need for it and I hope that intelligent people will come together and organize the group. Thanks but I don't think I can offer much, except watching the door for dumb bubbas.
You can say all you want about SC and you would still be welcome. I think this town takes itself way too seriously sometimes. Now if you were to actually start chopping down trees and shooting seagulls (well actually go ahead and shoot the seagulls) and paving the world for a minimall then I might get upset. Ill defend free speech. There is no freedom to destroy nature. And any "unionguy" who wants to insult people who support the environment more than they support NASCAR isnt paying attention to the way this world moving. I'm proud to eat organic foods that dont polute the water, Im proud to support the free exchange of ideas without censorship, and I'm proud to live in a town that wants to be a nuclear free zone even if its not technicaly true because the hospital has a nuke med facility and the university has radioactive cobalt in one of the science buildings.
Santa Cruz is a tree hugging hippy town! And for all of its faults both social and geological I wouldnt want to live anywhere else. Not everyone is out to get you or turn you away. And I would be glad to have you watch the door at the SC meeting and bounce all the "mouth breathing dumb bubbas" if they get out of line. Esp if they bring machettes.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers