I can't help but notice that every time I come on here and talk to these boys that they regroup. They become guests or sign off. They call the NEMSA headquarters for guidance.
Well come on NEMSA fadderland, bring out the next strategy. Help the helpless to do more than fail to insult.
Where is the business plan?
Where are the facts about PLAY WITH MY MONEY dodging a 5 million dollar lawsuit?
Where is the evidence that Audra is fat?
Prove that Rod is Dan Martin?
Show me the proof, Skippy..........
and get your poop in a group before you step on the field
Rod is Dan Martin??<lol> Where did that come from?? Must have been one of the posts I didn't bother with, and apparently for good reason.
<feeling self over> Nope, it's still me. I'm a little tired after today's events with Stanislaus and CoCo bidders, but I'm still pretty sure it's me!!
All I am willing to say is that Dan and I have certainly had our disagreements in the past, and I am not going to air our personal problems. But, I will say this, Dan is probably going to laugh harder at that comment than I did! Dan, if you do read this, I wish you and Local 250 the best.
I think the accurate post is they called you Dan Martin Jr. I hope that is still as funny.
250-I am so ****ed about our divorce!
Now I'm trapped with a bunch of duckkilling bubbas that respect the likes of Tim Bonifay.
Christ how I am trapped. IAEP doesn't want me and NEMSA sucks!
I am alone in the world when I was totally content to be in the largest, most well organized union in the country. Oh well, what do you expect with a bunch of employees that make five figures that are going to vote for Bush?
Sorry folks, no offense meant. I'm just a bitter divorcee!
Hey I was pretty Down to be a part of Andy Stern's big machine. The Largest non-industrial union in the country.
anyway. Audra is not fat. I've seen her she's cute. except when debating NEMSA. then she is wicked mean.
NEMSA has nothing new to say I've noticed. same arguments round and round. same pointless rumblings.
everybody else walked away from the barfight and is piecing together the rest of their evening, and nemsa's just sitting in a corner, alone, rocking back and forth. back and forth.
their arguements remind me of those of patients I've taken, crazy circle arguments, where the cats are putting poison in the well, and the radios are telling them to pull out their fillings.
sad, in a way. but mostly kind of routine, the way people and organisations turn in on themselves when they start denying reality.
perhaps Nemsa would benefit from some meds and a 30 day stay somewhere.
-- Edited by hattiecarroll at 17:25, 2004-10-14
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
I did notice that there is this little psychological get away package for emergency workers. You can find it on the links section of the NEMSA site. It costs about four grand. Looks like a program that could deliver results.
I have to hand it to you 250 / IAEP supporters you have got to be the most ignorant of the bunch.
So let's talk
Since the most basic part of this whole thing just seems way too complicated for you to handle.
k...... listen you get it if you try. ready
250 sucked, even your own people admit that. Pinkass even said so
A decert petition was circulated, enough people signed it to hold an election...... a simple election. 250 launched a horrible campaign against it's own members.......because all we wanted was a vote .. a simple vote. To exercise OUR rights(even you). We were essentially given to another union (without being given the right to vote {even you}...) and then the vote was held. There is no clear winner.... But the IAEP is marching forword in taking us over.
Now.... how did we go from just wanting to exercise OUR rights good, bad or whatever to this......
we are fractured, and stuck between everything and nothing... why
regardless of which side your on, we all began this by just wanting to vote. If it was 250 fine, If it was NEMSA fine, or no union.... fine. We would have all just made the best of whatever. But, the product of an ungly campaign, was now we hate each other, we were give to a strange union one we don't want and this whole thing drags on. The whole time you freaks point fingers, well ummm you guy's signed the petition too
The only hate here comes from you. I don't hate anyone. No one with IAEP hates anyone. I am disgusted by what has happened. But just as you and the rest of the NEMSA die-hards believe you were wronged, we believe how NEMSA carried itself was wrong. I have posted many times, along with other IAEP supporters, that we would have been shop stewards with NEMSA if that was what the vote showed. It did not. Now we are moving on with the desires of the AMR employees. We all will have to live with whatever ruling the NLRB determines.
Take a good, close, look back at your posts, as well as Duck Hunter, and Rat Killer. Your posts have been vile and disgusting. I am glad I don't live with the hate that inside of you.
Now we have really seen what a bunch of a#swipes these idiots are. No union? That would be fine? You NEMSA Ninnies need to collectively swing yourselves. I think you guys should organize a suicide pact and follow through. No union would be just fine with you and your rights. You are too disgusting. All that you wanted was my dues to pay for your trucks. You had no intention on representing our interests.