Hi my Fellow Medical Professionals, I have had a few burning questions for the hierarchy of this flailing union and I post them here for your collective review and additional questions to pose to our "leaders" This letter will be snailed as well as e'd to IAEP Hqtrs. in hopes of some resolution for my curiosity. I welcome responses from all of you if you wish, to my personal email at: Bocan3@aol.com ______________________________________________
Dear Mr. Eosco,
As a dues paying member of IAEP local1, I am formally requesting a financial analysis of this union's financial structure. Currently, and for nearly 2 years past the IAEP has yet yet account to it's members for it's financial status but, The IAEP somehow knows that it needs yet ANOTHER DOLLAR in dues from all of us, perhaps you can tell me where it will be going? I would like to know, how much of our union dues money is applied to the running of this union? I would like to know, how much of our union dues money goes for your salaries? This includes ALL IAEP members paid by our dues! I would like to know, how much of our union dues money is given to the SEIU and NAGE unions? I would like to know, how much of our union dues money is given to AFL/CIO organization? I would like to know, how much of our union dues money is given to political candidates? I would like to know, how much of our union dues money is applied to contract negotiating? I would like to know what, "Fair share dues breakdown" means? I would like to know, how many AMR employees are not paying union dues and why?
I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Bob Canning
"Act to mold your future or sit and be molded" Sincerely, Bob Canning
Good luck Bob. It took me 6 months to get my money from them. They lied to me many times that the check is in the mail. Thanks to the Calif labor board i got paid. Screw you David Bernard and the rest of your crooked staff. Jeff