Your very welcome. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to pass this web site and info onto your co-workers and fellow members.
Here is what NEMSA says about the service agreement>>>>>>>>>>>>
I don't know why NEMSA would be so worried about your information it makes their case quite well , so I would suggest every one please read read read. Keep those posts coming driver, you are doing more damage to them then they are.
Like I said before, a service agreement is legal, but what 250 and IAEP is selling to the members is not legal! Thank you for posting the agreement it proves that 250, IAEP and now the NAGE president have straight up LIED to us! I can’t believe you people keep putting out this information thinking that no one will cross check it!
I don't normally call anybody a liar, but frankly it is so egregious that there is no PC term for what they are doing.
What IAEP, Local 250 and now the NAGE president are saying to the to the 250 members that is not backed up by the very agreement language that is posted on this site:
I don't know why NEMSA would be so worried about your information it makes their case quite well , so I would suggest every one please read read read. Keep those posts coming driver, you are doing more damage to them then they are.
Like I said before, a service agreement is legal, but what 250 and IAEP is selling to the members is not legal! Thank you for posting the agreement it proves that 250, IAEP and now the NAGE president have straight up LIED to us! I can’t believe you people keep putting out this information thinking that no one will cross check it!
I don't normally call anybody a liar, but frankly it is so egregious that there is no PC term for what they are doing.
What IAEP, Local 250 and now the NAGE president are saying to the to the 250 members that is not backed up by the very agreement language that is posted on this site:
To keep all of you updated, I have now been officially BANNED from the NEMSA website. Tim has also taken it upon himself to delete and EDIT my posts to make NEMSA out to be the ones who posted the SERVICE AGREEMENT and not me. I remeber when NEMSA was chasing down SEIU for a debate and slamming them for censuring their forum. Now that the TRUTH is comming out about NEMSA, they are running from the debate and policing their site to block the facts from comming out.
Also, NEMSA claims that Torren is in Oregon. FALSE, FALSE, FALSE!!!! He is in Sacramento. Nice try Tim. You can't erase the facts here.
NEMSA has, from what my sources tell me, has registered as a BUSINESS. This means that they intend to be a FOR-PROFIT organization. Looks like Torren need all of you to pay for that Hummer and all of the BBQ's, all of the pens and hats...............
Any truth to the fact that Matt Levy tried to decert from IAEP a few years ago, then stopped when he was given a nice position in the national? and what about the rumors that AMR purged Mike Eosco from the roles of active employees? if this is the support that the East Coast is getting I am slightly concerned. What would they do to the rest of us if the can fire a Locals President. I only ask because they were making conversation with us last week and it bothers me that the protection they talk about isnt there for even them. A lot of the East coast people have been on the NEMSA website and I was wondering if there is any truth to some of the claims they make, as a parent I have no room for error when it comes to job security.
The last line of your post is so important, I think it deserves repeating, " as a parent I have no room for error when it comes to job security". Truer words were never spoken. We all have a lot at stake in the upcoming elections. We owe it to ourselves and our families to learn as much as we can about the IAEP and NEMSA before we vote. As a CCT RN / paramedic I helped organize the CCT RNs into local 250. I have been to every bargaining session, and I have seen first hand the many benifits of being part of a union. For me, the question comes down to the known vs. the unknown. I know we currently have a good contract. I know that by voting IAEP our contract will stay in force. I know that while Local 250 has made mistakes, they have always stood up to management for us. The same cannot be said for NEMSA. There are too many unknowns for me to take that risk.
I was told that Matt Levy tried and rallied many people to his views of decertifying the Local 1 IAEP some time ago, and his efforts ceased upon being hired into the very same Union he was previously trying to decertify, you do the math. Additionally calculate into the equation all the people that were screwed because of signing Matt's petition.
IAEP here in Mass negotiated a lousy deal for us and I think you ought to be aware of this fact. They gave away retroactive pay, the Union Leaders (sic) phoned EMT's to push for their votes on a deal that favored EMT's and not ALL Union members. Our contract is approx. 25 pages long, NEMSA's deal with AMR is roughly 200 pages or so I'm told. Mike Eosco's Quote about the quality of our contract is, "Just vote it in, and we'll fix it next time" What does this tell you about his level of concern about your families' wellbeing? There are grievances unacted upon, phone calls not returned, communication not performed, promises left to wither, namely Dave Holway's promise to post the member satisfaction survey results on the website. We in Mass cannot wait until we can RID OURSELVES of IAEP and vote in NEMSA.
At least with the IAEP the officials are elected and can therefore be voted out of office. With NEMSA you get self-appointed officials with an indefinite term of office.
Across the board, out of all the locals i have called, any complaints i have heard of about the IAEP, had to do with a bargaining units own local, which they elected themselves! This is something that could happen with NEMSA just as easy! The benefit is that IAEP has a democratic process to vote people in, and out. What is NEMSA's process? and for that matter, have we seen any of those financial projections about NEMSA we were all promised? After all, 80 percent of new businesses fail, lets hope the new "business" that represents our livelyhood doesnt fail, because in fact, NEMSA is registered as a business. -peace out
Man.. how many times must it be said... ...... the UNION does NOT negotiate your contract. Your EBOARD/LOCAL does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the union is only brought in if there is a break down in negotiations, greivences go to arbitration.. and the such..... you said you don't like your pres and if he really did make those coments.. for crying out loud.. GET RID OF HIM!!!
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Karen.. I wrote this as a response to Stevemicp, I though he was from your local by mistake..... but... in actuallity.. it applies to you.
Well, Steve.. I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a hard time out there with IAEP and your representation. You do know that you, the members, have complete control over who your eboard is, don't you? I know that you do seeing as how you are a shop steward, but maybe the other members don't. Also, you, and others from your Local, are always talking about how your contract is "substandard".. but you seem to forget that you the members voted on that contract before it was negotiated. I've been a member of the IAEP and in our Local, as is the practice with IAEP nation wide, the eboard and stewards ASK the members in writing what they, the members, feel is the most important thing(s) that they want negotiated in the next contract. The people tell them what they want, and they do their best to get it. If you think that your contract is less then what you feel it should be, you should be ousting your president, not the union. The union is there for when negotiations halt, grienences move into arbitration, and the such, not necissarily to negotiate your contract. That is why you have a goverment type body at the Local level. They know how to deal with your division on a ground basis, the Union (IAEP) does not. True that the pres and eboard are to be the representatives of your union, but they are reps that you pick from your pool of employees. And boy, I can tell you that there are some extrEEEEEEmly substandard presidents out there. So you have my most hearfelt sympathy in that regard. I just would like to toss out there that before you do something as drastic as oust your union, benifits, and affiliations that go along with it, why don't you throw out your pres and/or eboard and see if that takes care of your problem. From what I've heard, you do have a crappy contract, but.. get in touch with someone like Matt Levy who is your manager of oranization ( I think that is his title...) for that side of the country, and see if you can make something happen. It just seems hasty to jump that far without KNOWING you will land on your feet in the end. NEMSA is a good idea, but...... I'm not sure if they can follow through with all that they are promising and hoping to accomplish. Even the most desired dreams don't see fruitation. I'm sure that they might succeed in the future, but give them time to make some secure foundation. Personally, I think they are biting off more then they can chew before they know what they are getting into. Torren does have a background as a rep of a very strong and large union, but he's never done something like this before and I'd hate to see all these people loose everything if is does fail. Although, for the record, I do believe that his heart is in the right place. But haven't you ever known someone who has the biggest heart in the world get taken advantage of by everyone around them??? One Last thought.. if you don't like your pres and you are willing to give it a try with ousting him, why don't you run for the pres postition, you seem to have a good feel for what you want and what your coworkers want.... fight for them and see what you can do..... You know you will have their full support. If it doesn't work, at least you, and your coworkers, will have the peace of mind to know that you did everything you could to make it work.. and you can always go with NEMSA after. Also... I know you don't like Matt Levy over there and I completely agree with your reasons for sceptisism.. but he IS very knowledgable and can help you with this or get you in contact with the right people. Don't let your pride and stubborness get it the way of bettering your situtation... especially when it could be fixable.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
People, think about it. For over six months SEIU Local 250 has been telling all of us that they're the best, and that we need them. Now they want to trade us in an illegal fashion to IAEP. After admitting that IAEP is not the best...DUH!
Matt Levey, didn't you get fired from AMR for sexual harassment! Sound's like a great field rep to me. How about you Art...why won't you post on your own message board back in Boston? Why is it that the Local Forum has never seen hide nor hair of you, Mike Eostrich, Dick or even Matt Levey?
Why is it that the Official Local 1 site has not been updated in months? Sounds like the union we need here. NOT!
Whether it's new or not doesn't really matter to most of us, we want the giant unions gone...amd if NEMSA doesn't follow through with all that has been stated...then we'll oust them too. Since now we all know the truth about decerting any given union. Actually, does anyone have Matt Levey's phone number...he tried and was very close to decertifying IAEP back in Boston before IAEP offered him a job.
Just food for thought people. Oh yeah before I forget, 911 driver...maybe you should go find a job in EMS before you try to have input in a profession that fired you. This fight is none of your crawl back into the hole inwhich you came. To many livelyhoods are at stake and the water is muddied enough without an outsider adding to the mix.
Good Day,
It's like Ice water in your ya feel it?
quote: Originally posted by: 911Driver "To Ice, What about your suspension for dropping a patient????"
You got the wrong person! Never been suspended, never even been wrote up. I guess you might try again Driver. Besides, you don't know me rest assured of that! See I don't run in the circles of non-ems people. Not to mention that I don't hangout with people that got fired! I guess you could have used NEMSA to protect your job, instead you had the sub-standard IAEP over there in AV. Hah Hah!!!!!
quote: Originally posted by: 911Driver "It's ok, nobody thinks bad of your suspension. Last I heard, the patient won't file charges."
That's all you got! Darn I thought IAEP at least hired people with some sort of education. Oh well I guess that is why NEMSA will win! Hey driver. Did you find a job yet? McDonlads is hiring!
quote: Originally posted by: 911Driver "Hired with IAEP???? Now you can't even keep your lies straight.... With that resume, you would be perfect as a NEMSA rep.."
You better stop the IAEP people from telling everyone that you were hired as a field rep. Sounds like Matt Levey all over again. Handle your homework, get a real job and let the big kids play.
Handle your homwork??? First I go from getting fired (not even true) to not even being in EMS to being back in EMS with IAEP..... That suspension must be preventing you from keeping your lies straight. Muahahahaha.
quote: Originally posted by: 911Driver "Handle your homwork??? First I go from getting fired (not even true) to not even being in EMS to being back in EMS with IAEP..... That suspension must be preventing you from keeping your lies straight. Muahahahaha. ~Driver"
You're on some sort of medication. Are you reading the same postings? I don't think so. You should know your role!