I just wanted to convey to all of you who might be having doubts about joining NEMSA.
We recently voted NEMSA as our Labor Representative. Local 250 SEIU was preaching that there was no guarantee that AMR would accept the medical plan proposed by NEMSA, that they would not reinstate the grievance and arbitration clauses, and would want to open negotiations. Let me advise you that Torren and Tim met with Lou Meyers and AMR has agreed to accept the medical plan, and to reinstate the grievance and arbitration process. We have also agreed to the No Strike, No lock out clause.
I also want to suggest that all of you ask for and read the agreement between SEIU Local 250 and IEAP as to how Local 250 is subcontracting with IEAP to handle the EMS division they are not telling the whole story (truth) please be informed on the issues. NEMSA has always given us information that is complete without any twists and turns. On the other hand Local 250 has only given us half truths only bits and pieces as to how they were going to change. Local 250 was our Labor Representatives for over 10 years and we have nothing to show for it. In recent meetings one of which with Sal Roselli, where he stated that he was unaware that the EMS division was having so many problems? and that he was solely responsible for not knowing what was happening. Local 250’s way of fixing the problem is to steal NEMSA’s vision ideas for Our future, and then to subcontract with IEAP to handle the EMS division within the SEIU Local 250 as they admit they can’t handle the EMS division.
We need to be informed and stay united in our efforts to better our working conditions and to have Labor Representation that is only about and for EMS, which NEMSA represents to the highest standards.
We here in San Mateo County offer our support in your upcoming decertification of Local 250 and the installation of NEMSA as your new Labor Representatives.
I can understand why you want this rest of nor cal AMR members to join you. The fire fighters are coming after you. Well pal, I'm not putting the future of my family and me on the line for you. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
As for nemsa having the highest standards, I heard you use to complain alot about tim boinfay, nemsa's former vice president, soon to be ex-staff person.
You are not going to drag me and my co-workers down with you. Hey Scott...have you even seen the Oak Valley tentative agreement? Have you looked at the wage rates...man, are you in trouble.
You said that tim and torren met with Lou Meyer. I heard you weren't even in the room. How do you know what was agreed to? And by the way pal, you did not get the nemsa health plan according to Debbie Mejia, AMR's benefits coordinator. You got AMR's National Anthem-Blue Cross plan, the same plan that increased its premium costs 80% in one year.
Your co-workers are gonna string you up man. And if they don't, well... you saw the firefighters letter, didn't you Scott....
Valleyemt, I hate to break this to you but the san Mateo Medics got the Blue sheild plan that they where told they would get, If you dont believe me you can ask Scott. Debbie is wrong in her statement. Being this agreement was just penned, she probably is not fully up to speed on the deal.
As for Fire, I hate to break this to you but fire is always after our jobs. Just ask people in CoCo, Stockton, and Sacramento. SEIU has never been able to stop them in the past. The only way to beat fire is to make private EMS better in the publics eyes and thats what NEMSA plans to do. Also, fire cant go after anyones job if the city they work in does not have the funding to expand. Many cities rely on privates to provide service. Like I said above Fire has always been after our jobs and there is nothing SEIU/Nage or IAEP can do to stop them. At least NEMSA has a plan to try and help fight the problem. Also, if you are thinking AFL-CIO affilation is going to help you, think again. It did'nt in Sac, CoCo, or Stockton when SEIU tried to use it. You should look into the facts around the fire take overs in AMR counties
Please tell me what is being hostiley taken over and by whom?
If you mean NEMSA then you need to check yourself because there was a vote and the EMS workers on the street chose to join NEMSA in an NLRB election. On the other hand if you are talking about IAEP NAGE who was not voted for or petitioned by the members to come in then you would be right it is a hostile take over. Watch the hypocrisy grow.
Can you give me just one example of AFL-CIO affiliation helping private EMS when fire wanted to take over.
So what is nemsa's plan for fighting the firefighters efforts to take our jobs? I mean, besides doing a fundraiser for some "cause of the day" or marching behind that god awful hummer in a parade??????????
Aaron, I think you should stick to driving Torren around in the hummer. I hear your pretty good at it. Speaking of which, I hear you are out on a workers comp claim, but there you are every day, driving Torren all around Nor Cal while the rest of us work for a living. What a stand up guy and great example to us all.
Hostile takeover is tied to this thread. It has to do with unions taking over other unions jobs. This statement is not about NEMSA. It is about all the occasions that a fire union has started down the political path to secure ambulance transport for themselves. There have been quite a few times that SEIU has taken the IAFF to arbitration over ambulance transport. The IAFF has cold feet on the subject. Now that SEIU will be out of the picture, the story will obviously change according to the letter from the CPF.
Subcontracting is a passive-agressive takeover. SEIU never endorses subcontracting. That core contract we work with took forever to negotiate because of the subcontracting language. Subcontracting meant nothing to most of the employees at the table. Sal made sure that our jobs were secured with that language. How many jobs have been lost since the core was implemented? Stockton? Who was the rep and chief steward during that time? Remember, Stockton Fire is a unique, class 1 fire department that owns their city council. This was a situation that was out of the control of anybody. No shame in that loss.
Of course Fire is always after our jobs. Patient transport is revenue producing, whereas firefighting is not. However, Article 20 under AFL-CIO prevents fire departments from taking our jobs - (as long as we are AFL-CIO affiliated).
So, the simple fact is a vote for NEMSA is a vote to let fire take our jobs!!
Get a clue, man!
By the way, just what is Torren's plan to prevent San Mateo Fire from taking over???