If you are reading this, which I assume you are, since I haven't seen you around. I want to let you know this: Your idea about NEMSA has come and gone.
Initially, I thought it wasn't such a bad idea. But now, in the cold hard light of reality, and the choice that we have to go with the IAEP...well, my co-workers and I are making choices. And, honestly, we are chosing to stay with our contract and take this whole EMS-only approach by voting 250 and getting the IAEP.
I have to say, Torren, that I have seen a side of you that suprises me. I never thought you were the best rep EVER, but that you were smart and you seemed to care about us. But then I met the people you surround yourself with: The NEMSA dream team: That rude and crude insurance guy, that angry lawyer, and Tim Bonifay!
Well, good luck Torren, hope that you have some money somewhere, because you are going to have to get that Hummer re-painted...
Thanks for caring about us, (no bull****, I think you do, but try to grab power of this union and endangering our contract is not the way..)
I just wanted to convey to all of you who might be having doubts about joining NEMSA.
We recently voted NEMSA as our Labor Representative. Local 250 SEIU was preaching that there was no guarantee that AMR would accept the medical plan proposed by NEMSA, that they would not reinstate the grievance and arbitration clauses, and would want to open negotiations. Let me advise you that Torren and Tim met with Lou Meyers and AMR has agreed to accept the medical plan, and to reinstate the grievance and arbitration process. We have also agreed to the No Strike, No lock out clause.
I also want to suggest that all of you ask for and read the agreement between SEIU Local 250 and IEAP as to how Local 250 is subcontracting with IEAP to handle the EMS division they are not telling the whole story (truth) please be informed on the issues. NEMSA has always given us information that is complete without any twists and turns. On the other hand Local 250 has only given us half truths only bits and pieces as to how they were going to change. Local 250 was our Labor Representatives for over 10 years and we have nothing to show for it. In recent meetings one of which with Sal Roselli, where he stated that he was unaware that the EMS division was having so many problems? and that he was solely responsible for not knowing what was happening. Local 250’s way of fixing the problem is to steal NEMSA’s vision ideas for Our future, and then to subcontract with IEAP to handle the EMS division within the SEIU Local 250 as they admit they can’t handle the EMS division.
We need to be informed and stay united in our efforts to better our working conditions and to have Labor Representation that is only about and for EMS, which NEMSA represents to the highest standards.
We here in San Mateo County offer our support in your upcoming decertification of Local 250 and the installation of NEMSA as your new Labor Representatives.
Speaking officially for the IAEP, I would like to let everyone know that we will in fact, show up, as promised, to debate the issues and give the membership an opportunity to hear what IAEP has to offer. We hope that NEMSA would give the membership the same opportunity and we look forward to the debate tomorrow night. Below please see exactly what IAEP sent to Torren. It represents the final email we sent regarding the debate.
I am giving you our final response for a debate. Since IAEP has made the request for the debate and IAEP would be the organization to debate NEMSA, your rules as written do not reflect IAEP. The only reason that we are not signing the rules as you have written is because you have not reflected this simple fact. IAEP has issued a challenge and an opportunity for members to hear a debate and to receive information from each party. The IAEP will be at the debate at the appointed time and place and will use the collegiate debate rules as well as your facilitator. We hope that you will make Tim and Torren aware of our position and we look forward to a spirited dialogue with them.
Why won't IAEP sign the agreement to stick to simple rules. The employees of the county hosting the debate asked that IAEP follow simple collegiate debating style. They are neutral for both sides, so why not agree to them. Does IAEP have a problem with following rules. Are you planning on making the debate unruly. The members want a respectful intelligent debate, but IAEP cant agree to that. People are sick of the heated debates that IAEP gets getting into. I worry about an organization that cant follow rules. Are they too complicated?
The rumor here is that IAEP just wanted to be called IAEP and did not agree to be SEIU/NAGE. All rules were agreed to aside from that. Is IAEP an unruly bunch of bullies? I've not heard that rumor.
Even if it’s two people in the room we need this debate. IAEP is will prepared to answer any and all questions form NEMSA and from AMR employees. NEMSA – If you are a legitimate organization then you need to do the same.
I truly believe the point here is that the elected leaders in ALCO have agreed to host this debate as the other elected leaders have in other counties. And just like the debates in the other counties the elected leaders set the terms and conditions of the debate. What has happened here is that SEIU again has dictated to the EMS members what is good for them. SEIU is telling the elected leaders in ALCO that there rules are not for them and IAEP NAGE will not follow them, but will show up and do what they want. Kind of like the illegal service agreement that was agreed to by 3 hand picked rank and file members 2 from Santa Cruz and 1 from COCO that decided for 2,361 people. The ALCO stewards decided that they were not going to play that game. Do not blame this on NEMSA they agreed to the rules. It was the ALCO leadership that stood up and told IAEP NAGE that the EMS workers in ALCO are not going to be told what to do.
IAEP did not agree to being called "SEIU/NAGE". They are not SEIU or NAGE so stating on paper that that is who NEMSA would be debating would be false. They asked that the language be changed form SEIU/NAGE to IAEP and NEMSA refused. SurPRISE surPRISE!!!!
It's always good to have numberous contacts that give facts in stead of defensive toss outs.
Come on NEMSA.. pony up! Put your money where your mouth is! You've been preaching and wailing about your legalities and promises for toooo long... time to prove that you're not a bunch of whooosies and step up to the plate!!! NorCal deserves at least that don't you think? You do consider them to be educated, reasonably thinking, professionals don't you? Well them treat them as such and jump on in!
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Hey Icemedic, we understand your plee for us to vote in nemsa since if we don't nemsa will not survive and you will be left with no representation, but in fact, most of us are going to think things through, and not make a decision on emotion, or anger towards 250, but rather a logical decision to benefit ourselves, and our families. Also, we understand CPF will actively be pursuing the transport contract there, and we would rather stay AFL-CIO affiliated to try and push that off as much as possible. There are no guarantees, but the fact is there is a signed letter out there, by the CPF president specifically stating that since NEMSA has no ALF-CIO affiliation, CPF will be compelled to go after the transport contract. Also we already know their foot is in the door with those star cars. Many of us feel very bad about the situation of that letter, but we do not want to make the same mistake else where.
"do ya feel a cold feelin after gettin your insurance rates raised, and fire stating there gonna try and raid your jobs next contract"