It appears most northern california 250 members once thought the NEMSA idea was a good one, but now that has gone due to all their trash talking of IAEP, and lack of a plan. NEMSA has not been, nor will they attempt to sell their product. IAEP appears to have less risk, and more financial stability and structure, so we are compelled to put our trust in them. I just wish NEMSA could try to start selling what good things NEMSA has, were over the trash talking Old Rhino, when are you guys gonna get it? And no more faxes from nemsa in the middle of the night!!!!!
Merely exposing what IAEP members have to say about IAEP. Seems there is VERY LITTLE love for this union. And why should Nemsa have to try to sell themselves. Seems to me that in this case they are already sold! If IAEP was appropriately representing its members they wouldn't need to sell themselves.
Well you are right in that IAEP can only state to people who they are, what they represent, what their rescources are, and their tract record. We are not dumb, we can do the research on our own. Now where you are wrong is in that NEMSA does have to keep selling itself!!!! you know why? because we know nothing about it!!! by far most people i talk to say they remember when nemsa first came out, and they liked the idea. But everyone thought that by this point, just days away from the election, we would know much more. I do believe Nemsa Lover that you are insulting most of the members by saying we do not deserve to get more information about logistics, and financial projections.
No all I am saying is that if IAEP as they claim to be the best, are actually full of internal problems with their members and I don't want to be part of that. They actually do have to sell themselves because their members think they stink.
More propaganda. You guys amaze me. You spin internal problems, accuse Torren for working against his own employer for months without any proof and to top it off bust his balls about him not giving two weeks notice to Local 250 before he left. WOW!!!!!! How do you do it? Lets stick to the facts please.
Northern California voted for IAEP. The decision was made. Now we need to make sure that we do not get so emotional that we forget about deceipt, malfeasance, lying, withholding and manipulating information and all around being somewhat ignorant of the world that we live in.
-- Edited by Play with My Money at 11:08, 2004-09-11