Since I am not allowed to post any rebuttals to the latest crap from NEMSA, I will simply do it here. I am not in the mood to paste anything from NEMSA. They will not allow us on there, I will not paste anything from there to here.
Here are the facts: CoCo EMS has absolutely no desire to see AMR leave CoCo. AMR, and its predecessor companies, have been there from day one. It is through the hard work of the field that they have been able to make complaince month after month, year after year. CoCo EMS has never stated anything even remotely to the effect that they wish AMR to leave that county.In fact, they have been pleased with our performance to date, and have said so publicly, that's right, publicly. Now, the RFP Board is completely different. It is made up of ten individuals whose sole purpose is to come up with a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, so that they in turn can vote on it. The RFP was forced inot play by both SEIU and the IAFF, so that AMR would not be allowed their cushy sole provider provision. They, simply put, were not playing nicely with us. They would not listen to our concerns. So AMR finds itself in the position they are in because of their own fault, not ours.The RFP Board will have both a rep from SEIU and from the IAFF. At this point, there has been no decision, that I am yet aware of, who will be on these respective seats. I have asked for consideration to be on the SEIU seat.
If any of you want information about the current on-goings in my county, feel free to email me at Everything that has been accomplished to date is a matter of public record. I would be more than happy to fill any of you in, because some of it is mildly complicated, and it is nice to talk with someone that has seen the entire thing through. I have no reason to spin, the vote is over.
I would like to thank IAEP for providing me with this forum. I am disheartened to see all of my comments being filtered by Torren on his website. Nice to see a fair exchange of ideas, as he bashes my county (again), and refuses to allow anyone a chance at rebuttal.
Despite this latest smear from NEMSA, I would still like to pursue the aforementioned post about about having a "Bridges" forum to bring everyone back together. I hope I can garner some support for this. Thank you Nate for yours.
I think we are all done believing the spin Torren puts on the issues in CoCo. It would seem that the issues there are complicated and best commented on by the folks who are being affected by them (you and your coworkers) not Torren, or even 250. Its nice to hear about what is going on from the point of someone actually involved in the RFP "issue". For awhile we were hearing all sorts of misinformation.
And I would like to say I fully support the bridges idea and would attend all meeting that I am able. I hope we can get some of the NEMSA supporters there and I hope they will be treated with respect. Not all of them are unbalanced pshychotic loudmouth braggarts, just the people self appointed to represent them. There are intelligent and thoughtful folks on the NEMSA side who have alot to bring to the table and we need to make sure they are not intimidated or degraded away. I am in contact with Nate daily so if you have contact with him then have him keep me posted on the "bridges" idea as it takes shape. Thanks for stepping up with some ideas on moving forward.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
I visited a NEMSA informational meeting in Stockton a few weeks ago. It consisted of many NEMSA staff persons and supporters, a groupd of employees, a couple IAEP guys, a 250 rep, and myself. At one point during the discussion, Torren felt compelled to explain what the facts were about the situation in CoCo. He stated that what L250 was doing there, was not only completely screwing AMR, but also screwing the employees. He stated that everything L250 was doing, was completely against what the members in CoCo wanted. I found this odd, because why would L250 just want to go out and screw people for now reason? What was the benefit for them? When the 250 rep at the meeting began to explain what was going on, he was told by Torren and a few other NEMSA supporters that he was lying, and that in fact the members in CoCo were very upset at what was going on. I was very frustrated by this, because every interaction concerning L250 I have had with CoCo employees was a positive one. From what I have been told, rank and file members were behind many of the moves there. I felt very bad for the 250 rep at the meeting in Stockton, he was ganged up on, and made to look like a liar. The most frustrating part was the effect of Torren on the other employees, people were joining in on heckling the 250 rep, and they had absolutely no idea what they were talking about! The spin about CoCo county was a big one by NEMSA, and it was very unfair. They definitely saw an oppurtunity to make L250 look bad, but what they forgot was that there are a few hundered employees there who can attest to what the feeling really is. Like Brad said, NEMSA has no right to even comment on what is fair there. What is fair is letting the employees voice their concern. Letting AMR get away with whatever they want, is not fair. I' glad that you guys are making progress there, even if it means rattling AMR a bit. I am also glad to see that when it is need, we can get help from other AFL-CIO affiliated unions such as the IAFF. Even though we may not agree on some issues, it is important to come together on others, thanks for your interest in keeping the rest of us informed Rod! Keep it up!
First, thanks for your support. Unfortunately, it won't work unless I (we hopefully) can garner support from individuals who previously supported NEMSA.
There are some great individuals that worked with them. Man what I wouldn't give to hear positive comments from Dari Sardad and Kevin Tarbell. Or from Sam Getrich or Ian Lee. These are very intelligent, obviously motivated individuals. These people fought for what they believed in. What can we do to get these very important people back? There are so many other individuals, these were just a few I could think of at the moment.
I have not had a chance to thank the people I work with in CoCo. You folks are incredible. SEIU could not have done it without you (just my own highly opinionated thought!!). I hope you will all still stay in the game and be as informative as you have been to date as we forge our new local.
Right on Brad. I support this platform. We need a meeting of the minds from every county, hash out the misinformation continung to be spread, so these people can squash these lies immediately in the form of newsletters or whatever works. These "braggarts" have made it clear they will tear this down, and we can't let them sap our energy and distract us from the important tasks on the horizon. It is evident that they outrightly behave in the manner they always accused 250 of. What B.S.
Thanks for your comments. It been hard on me, as well as Bill Bower, to sit back and read all this nonsense spewed from NEMSA. I believe Bill "checked out" as far as keeping up on the forum comments.
Which brings me to the next point, or person, that NEMSA has decided to trash. Bill Bower is, by no means, a saint. Neither am I. Despite all the name calling I have seen directed at him, I have not seen him once trash any one of the NEMSA people publicly like that. He knew that there would be a time of reckoning, and that all the sarcasm and attacks would need to be paid for in some way or another. He is right. Look where we are right now, miles and miles apart. We will be paying that bill for some time to come. I have seen many comments about "Where's Bill" and yadda yadda yadda. He's been with us the entire time. He chose not to get into immature name-calling fights. He helped to organize the vote, with SEIU being his obvious choice. He has been heavily involved with the RFP process in our county, which has been a full-time job for both of us. His hard work has paid off. NEMSA had to attack Bill, it was their only chance. They had to attack the infrastructure of SEIU, so Bill was a likely target. NEMSA knew they would never have a chance in hell if they didn't do this. Trust me, there were meetings at the NEMSA HQ (aka the Hummer), on how best to carry out attacks on him, as well as Borsos and Martin.
They have lost the election and still Torren cannot accept it, so on with the spin. It's okay, soon we will all be very busy with organizing our new local, and his continued attack on my county will be nothing more than a fart in the wind. We will be too busy to care.
I do have my concerns for San Mateo. They have no bargaining power whatsoever, now that NEMSA has lost. They go into their contract negotiations with no clout whatsoever. I can't help but wonder how many people in San Mateo wished they could take back their NEMSA vote for an IAEP one. I hope Torren stays true to his comments about how good his one lawyer is. All I can think of right now is the turmoil NEMSA is currently in, knowing they lost and will have very little monies coming in. I hope they can afford to retain their lawyer, for the sake of our sister and brother EMT's/Paramedics there. I can easily see Tim and Torren being the only staff from NEMSA at this negotiation.
As you enter negotiations with AMR for our people in San Mateo, here's a hint: you might consider refraining from calling them mushy methane giants, referencing starfish when it comes to their mental capabilities....ohhhh....yeah....stay from any note of sexual practices. You also may not want to threaten killing them with a machete too, it tends to close the door to negotiations. I just thought you'd like to know that. I can't imagine you being able to figure that one out for yourself.