Since Tim e-mailed this to members at large, I imagine he's proud of it and wants it public:
Unfortunately, I must address certain recipients of this letter by name, so uttering that which is most loathed and detested, I write to the insipid creatures known as Sal Rosselli, John Borsos, Bill Sokol, Bill Bower, and Dan Martin:
I would call you all poncing, pontificating pompous prats, but I am not writing to praise you. You are so nauseatingly corrupt you probably haven't the least idea why I have been moved to vent my feelings, however delicately, concerning your snivelling existence.
I have seen yeast with more pizzazz, more culture, and a better understanding of the world around them than you will ever possess. I have seen mange ridden, bulimic dogs eat things that are of more worth to the world than your self. You are clearly not of this world but of some gaseous giant. Why is it that on those unfortunate occasions when I think of you the words "slushy methane" come to mind?
Let's briefly touch upon your sexual habits. Do your partners know what you get up to with the Vegemite and pork sausages? It really shouldn't surprise me that such things and such actions give you pleasure, but in an appalling way, it does. I have had fantasies about attacking you with a machete, but I dare not. I once cut up a starfish, which was so neurologically simple that each piece grew into a clone of the original. Your coleopteran brains no doubt share certain appalling similarities with such creatures.
Your rank and file members, I know, have no future. There is no justice, no reason, no hope. Just blank despair, and teeth gnashing hopelessness.
To matters simply: you disgust me. Go away. Forever. Begone. Desist. Drop dead. How you managed to survive childhood without a close relative slowly and deliberately pressing their thumbs against your collective throats had me baffled for a long time. And then I realized: halitosis.
Do not think that because this is the last sentence in this letter that I have finished, that I have vented my spleen. I have merely scratched the surface.
As I've stated before, Tim, I had no idea your skills lay in insults. Wish I had use for them when you were our rep. Actually, this is more in the realm of creepy.
Since Torren told Nate that the NEMSA supporters view any that voted for IAEP/250 as one and the same, and they view these voters with the same sentiments they feel towards these representatives; I guess everyone who's been asking for bridges to be built has their answer.
Tim I am sorry you must resort to calling names. It just shows what type of person you truly have become. I have remained quiet through the election so I work for what was really important. I knew I would become the punching bag for you and Torren. I can handle being called names and being accused of being a communist. I have always been a better man then you will ever be. I have always care for and worked hard for the membership. A lot more then you or Torren ever di while you were employed at Local 250. Yes, there were failures at 250 but they were caused by the lack of vision that was caused by the staff of the EMS division and I include my self in that group. I should have stood up sooner when I noticed the failure being lead by the previous EMS director. I will forever hold myself resposible for not stepping up and saying someting to Sal nut I wanted to try and remain loyal to the staff and not be looked at as the enemy by being on the executive board. Tim I hope you someday can get over this period and except what the members voted and do what is right for everyone
<Crossing Tim Bonifay off the "potential bridges list">
I'm getting the feeling that Tim never really played sports very much as a child. He never learned how to lose gracefully.
Now, more than ever, I know I made the right choice by not allowing a person like that to be at the helm.
Machetes and fantasies of killing your fellow human being, sexual habits, more thoughts of familial homicide? And this person practices paramedicine. I hate to break it to you Tim, but you fall under the same rules of moral turpitude that all EMT's do. You should look it up under the California Health Code. When I receive a copy of this letter, I will be forwarding it to State EMS. I hope they will see fit to start a revocation hearing against you.
You have no right nor are you fit to call yourself an EMT, I,II, or III. You disgust me.
This is not "name calling". These are absolute unadulterated psychotic ravings from someone who was purporting he could be rational and "sweet-talk" AMR at the table. I don't know about you folks, but I think we narrowly dodged a really deadly bullet. This kind of mental instability has been hinted at in the posts from a few NEMSA supporters, but this is the first time I've actually seen it out in the daylight. I'm completely appalled.
Tim would do well to remember that Dan and the other SEIU/IAEP officials have easy access to legal avenues. Tim should be doing what damage-control he can in order to keep criminal charges from being brought against him. This goes beyond anger. The "machete" comment is assault. Remember, to be convicted of assault, you only have to put someone in fear of their safety, by your actions or words.
And by the way, there's no such word as "poncing." Just had to get that in there.
Correct my if I'm wrong, but wasn't Tim Bonifay the cofounder of NEMSA?
Is this the a glitch in the armor of NEMSA or is this a brief insight of what really is the sentiments, ideas, and cumulation of conversations of what takes place behind the closed doors of NEMSA meetings and barbques?
This is beyond frightening.. I hope that this is only an example of why Tim is not the VP of NEMSA anymore and not a rare insight of how the NEMSA operation really works. If it is, I have whole hearted fear for the members of Oak Valley and San Mateo. You have no chance in cold hell to survive if this is the truth of NEMSA.
Before, I was was meerly gleeful that IAEP won the vote in Northern California, but now... praise all the gods of EMS that they are not being lead to slaughter by the raving loonies of a once promising union organization.
When did this happen in NEMSA? Has it always been there? We all observed the rantings and raving of the zealots of NEMSA and kind of blew it off as over enthusiasim.. but we never had a clue that they might a true face of NEMSA. It's like something out of a Stephen King novel... or a parody of "Dawn of the Dead"... which by the way is the most terrifing movie I've ever experienced.. I'm embarressed to say that after seeing that one, I awoke many a night to a tachy heart beat and cold sweat....
Word to the wise, don't drink the Kool Aid at the NEMSA barbques...... you could turn into.....a nameless loonie... where's the hold forms and leathers?... we're gonna need them.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
You are absolutely right on the assault charge. I have a question maybe you can answer, does this also fall under the Terrorist Act as well? I am in communicade with SEIU in regards to this matter. It will not go unanswered.