No, not the ravings of a madman, my friends. Over the top? Some would say, it seems.
Perhaps some justification for my vent is in order?
When faced with gross injustice, and when "liberty" is thwarted, when the potential for opportunity is resisted, and delayed, and utterly misrepresented, one must speak
Some have heard the message. More surely will. Unfortunately, the masses involved here have been "carpet-bombed" with a convoluted stream of distortions and unadulterated falsehoods. Sleight of hand. It works. Most of the time But there is more than what you have seen.
Let’s look behind the curtain, shall we?
Federal Elections Commission - Case # MUR-5437
Charges filed against SEIU 250 alleging illegal and coercive tactics used in political campaign fundraising. To the tune of $150K per month. The charges were filed by me. ‘Cause I seen it wit’ my own eyes. And it’s wrong.
Labor Commissioner – State of California - Case # 14-20845 PO
Charges filed against SEIU 250, for violations of the labor code in a failure to pay accrued vacation time. They owe me $27K. Plus penalties. They owe others, too. And there’s no doubt about it – I got all the proof in the world. One must play the game, however.
Pulling the curtain back a little more...........
I worked at SEIU 250 10 years. Been there, done that. Went to meetings, heard the stuff. I recall in the SEIU 2003 Leadership Conference, and at the request of Mr. Borsos, I led a break out discussion with the attending stewards, planning how 250 could take over the IAEP because their contracts were awful, and their members weren’t too joyous.
Close the curtain, please, I don’t want to look anymore.
So my bitterness manifested in my letter. Apparently.
Do I regret my letter? Frankly, sometimes I cringe in anxiety, and sometimes I bristle in defiance when I think about it. In hindsight, I apologize for the unannounced shock value. The words are not to be taken to heart, that would be ridiculous. My disappointment - or is it empathy for those who do not know the truth - and for that I accept liability - spewed from my heart and into my computer, and I pressed "send."
The frustration remains, but the aroma candle therapy is working just fine.
Take care, and be safe, and good luck to ......yes......all of you.
I'm sorry Tim, but that's not good enough. You've made your bed and you can lay in it. There is absolutly no excuse or reason for writing a letter of that tone, even in jest. It's disgusting and disturbed, and that image of you will not go away simply because you had a bad, frustrated moment. I'm sorry you wrote it even if you aren't. I've a feeling it will come up again and again throughout the rest of your career. What a shame considering you have a lot of years left and a lot to give.
Good luck with everything up there. And have a good day, be safe.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Entertaining thoughts of killing my friends with a machete? Talking about their sexual practices?
Instead of the heartfelt apology that you owe, you decide to justify your stupidity with this nonsense.
Nobody cares of your personal toils and troubles that you've had. It is obvious that you were a substandard employee, both SEIU has said that and so has the field that you were supposed to have represented.
Where's your apology? You are so numb in your heart that you are unable to see how filthy and vile you are. It is also disheartening to see no one from the NEMSA side come out and publicly speak out against you. I can tell you right now, if Martin, Bower, or anyone else spoke in those terms from our side, there would be hell to pay from the rest of us. No one on our team would allow such disgusting verbiage.
Tim, I apreciate your ability to at least acknowledge that you did write that email. Unfortunately your responce only confirms what many of us were thinking fromt he begining. That NEMSA consisted of disgruntled workers. Some from the AMR side, and some from the L250 side. Showing us your personal problems with 250's ability pay you correctly is a horrible point to make to us. I can understand your anger in situations like that, but that is a problem between you and L250. It also all goes back to how come NONE of us new of any of the problems you and torren were going through. We never new of any of it, and that is concerning for us. I cannot comment on your activity with L250, I feel that you probably put in years of hard work. What I can do however is speak for my coworkers, and what many of them have communicated from the begining was a unwillingness to trust these two guys who used to work for L250, but nobody ever saw them. I can only commend you and Torrens bravery to start a new organization, but can only condem your angry and irrational emails to others. I know you have past history with these people, but since this campaign has started, I have not seen any of those whom you labeled in your email say such ugly things about anyone! When we see these actions from you, and now we are seeing other communications from Torren surface, it is a sign to us that NEMSA was weak from the begining. It is obvious that you guys had a lot at stake, but you cannot put blame on bill bower. He did not cast 660 votes, the members did. By you showing anger to Bill for the results of the election, just show us you are actually directing that email to all of us. Maybe instead of you and Torren stomping your feet, trying to block the results, and putting blame on everyone else about the election, maybe you should take a minute to reflect why NEMSA really lost. I can guarantee you, that it was the imtimidation, the angry staff members, the innability to see that we truly did not know enough about NEMSA. When we asked questions about NEMSA, we were told "that was already explained in all the NEMSA's meetings, and you should have paid attention then". Or we were told basicaly that we were anti-nemsa. Well guess what?, That kind of crappy behavior cost NEMSA the election. Also, we really weren't into the way NEMSA turned into a dark scary monster once IAEP came on the block. You guys never once said, "ok cool, we have some competition, so lets show everyone where NEMSA can succeed, lets show everyone what our back up plans are incase the contract gets messed with by amr, lets show everyone the financial projections, so people know this thing will actually work!". Instead you guys just trashed IAEP, and told us that you "guarantee" that contract will stay in place(but failed to show us what recourse we have if it didn't).....The IAEP folk were honestly great people, and when guys just chose to insult them, it was a turn off to NEMSA. I don't mean to go on and on here, but if you are choosing to ignore these issues that NEMSA had, then NEMSA was a lost cause from the begining. You guys claim to have the members best interest in mind, how come so many of us were being ignored?