Well, what I want to know is this. I just got of shift and my coworkers and I have been told that part of our union dues can be donated to a charity.This way IAEP, doesn't get at least all of our money. Alot of us here want to do that now, after we got the IAEP newsletter. Any direction on how to this would be greatly appreciated.
Also, all this fighting on this messageboard makes us newbees wonder, if the people who are on this messageboard are the ones who are going to run IAEP. I mean they seem to be really involved and stuff, but some of those messages are really mean.
You cannot "donate" your dues to charity because you didn't like an advertisement placed by the union. It doesn't work that way. There are very specific, legal guidelines that determine when one can defer their dues to charity. Political affiliations are not one.
If you do not like a direction the union is heading in, why not get involved and strive for change?
In general, unions support Democrats because they typically support labor. It is a well known fact. There was no insult to our president, Michelle. You support Bush, that's fine. But as your labor representative, we are going to support a president that best supports all of us.
He has vowed to create 100,000 fire jobs. Our dues have been given to him to take our jobs and you say SEIU supports those that support us. How is that Rod?
You also say get involved and change things. You seem to be vacillating there Rod, first you say that IAEP is great and then you say we need to change it. Which is it Rod? You are beginning to sound like Kerry "I voted for the war before I voted against it." Come on Rod, you want to be the local President what is your position?
I completely agree with you Michelle... sometimes peoples passion really does take them over the top.. and I, myself, have been whole heartedly guilty of it on occasion. I think that, from an IAEP supporters point of view, it's really just a lot of frustration that comes out sometimes. It does become grating and tiresome to constantly have to deal with being called liars and ignorant so many times by people who won't even consider listening to the other side no matter how many times or ways you explain it. It's kind of like beating one's head against the wall and not making a dent in it.....
In the beginning ( sounds religious here) it was some what polite and civil... but then the name calling started and the rumors and misquoted information and facts and.. it just kind of snowballed. It's really too bad the NEMSA message board is gone because if it was still up you could see that at the start, it was very respectful. Now there are people who don't like the way things turned out and, in my opinion, can't get over it so, therefore take it out in the only forum where they don't have to see people face to face and pay the consequences for their actions and words, so they vent and continue venting. Which is good to have an outlet, but...... it does get tiresome and grating as I said.
It's a shame that you have to be subjected to the constant rhetoric and bickering when all you really want is some questions answered and some facts. I can say the your questions have been very intelligent and I enjoy reading them... but you do have to dig for your answers because when someone does answer it.. along comes one who doesn't like this union and starts in with the name calling and belittling and then someone has to pipe in order to "defend" themselves as their credility and person has been attacked... yet again. All I can say is that I am wholeheartedly sorry for these occasions and hope that you continue to at least look under the topics that you write under and... keep at it. The best way to get answers to your questions is you ask the IAEP rep from your division... Marc is an excellent source of info, and since he is a national rep of IAEP, he can give you direct answers regarding your union. Also, you can private message those that have identified themselves as reps or shop stewards and completely bypass all the muck. If you want to post the Q/A's after you've got it sorted out in order to pass along the info to those that might be looking for those same answers, do! And don't fall into this pit of mud.. it's dirty and sweaty work... and I don't wish it on anyone... But I do enjoy supporting the union that I feel is best.. and that is only my opinion!.. so I'll continue to do so....... just as others will their cause.....
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Well Rod, im here..i haven't logged on or tried since sometime after the vote..been a little busy here...I see that not much has changed though between this board and NEMSA's..except they aren't up or at least to my knowledge they arn't. Still alot of bickering and fighting and put downs on this one too..why is it everyone wants to pick a fight and spend energy on that instead of just trying to help change the way things were and are? If people are sooo darn unhappy with the way things are turning up and out then stop spewing your guts here and take a stand at meetings and help change things that way...really speaking your mind here does nothing except spew words on a page..thats meaningless unless you take those words and put them in action! I haven't been able to make it to a meeting yet..been working when they all take place..but im not blaming anyone for that..i'll make it to one..I don't plan on falling back to the way i was before..uninformed and uneducated with the way things were..
You've got basically two people that all they want to do is log on anonymously, and do nothing but insult and attempt to tear us down. Not going to work.
It does not matter what the topic is, all they want to do is pick a fight. It does not say much for NEMSA when their supporters won't even identify themselves.
So, going back to Michelle's original topic, I want to reiterate through the fog that you cannot divert union funds due to political affiliations of said union. The advertisement was not an insult to our president. Typically unions endorse Democrats because they side with labor. Anyone that contests that is an absolute fool and knows nothing of American politics.
michelle, In response to who will be running this union. We had the same concerns about the people running NEMSA, so I understand greatly. We saw immense immaturity, poor decision making, and a lack of plan from the NEMSA leaders. What I believe is different now however, is that each and every member truly has just as much say as any other under our IAEP local at this point. Anyone can post on here, anyone can go to ANY meeting! Anyone can run for any position! So it is not quite accurate to say that you are disapointed in the people running the show now, because honestly it can be anyone. I do understand your frustration, but maybe you can communicate to your coworkers that they have every right to be involved, especially if they do not like the way things are going. I know attending meetings and stuff is burdoning, but it is important, I hope to see you at a few, thanks for your constructive comments by the way, people need to hear in a respectful way if things are not 100% fantastic. Hopefully many people will choose to become part of this local, so that less and less people can complain later on that things werent fair.
You are scared of all your mean coworkers? See ya out there.....
Give us a break. You are a fake, a sham and a deceiver. I might add, a **** poor liar. How do you like that? Go fondle one of the "guys" and have a good time getting passed around your county. You'll either catch a nice bug or marry some ambulance guy which is not good husband material if you care about having a decent life.
Vote for your beloved president that wants to end employment entirely. I doubt that you understand what your icon is talking about when he says that the future is to not work for a company but to own your own company. Let's see. Are you going to buy your own ambulance, bill, collect etc. etc.
WHOOOOOOOO!!!! What is up with the post Forfend???? You don't like girls now working in the field???? What the H*LL is up with that!
I don't remember any posts written by Michelle that merit a response like this one... concerns about the presidential election are more then warrented.. I personally don't support Kerry either, but I don't support Bush, because for my own reasons.. I just don't happen to care which way any union leans because in the end, I have the ultimate say by voting however I like. Unions have to support politicians at some point, I don't pay into COPE..ssoooo.... they don't use my money for him anyway.....
And what do you care if she want's to "marry some ambulance guy"... after a post like that.. I don't think you have to worry about any girl coming and barking up your tree, let alone Michelle.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
You guys speak of how NEMSA talks to people.....Take a look at your selves....I hope I don’t have to hear any more hypocritical B.S. on this subject again.....After all the whining you guys have done about NEMSA....Michelle does not deserve this kind of response....Is this what we are to expect from IAEP.....Do you guys have a problem with women on the units......You attacked her for no reason......Hope you feel like a big man
Michelle has her reasons for her own political affiliation. If she chooses not to support her union because we are not endorsing Bush, that is also her prerogative.
At this point, despite Democrats support for labor, I will most likely be supporting Bush. This is not an endorsement for the Republican party. I have my reasons for voting this way, which I will keep private. However, I'll be dam*ned if I stop supporting the union that is doing its best to attain a better workplace for me. That just doesn't seem logical.
I do not know why Forfend has decided to come out so harshly, but since I do not know who this person is, maybe there is some previous encounters between Michelle and Forfend that the rest of us are not aware of. I would hope that Michelle can still support her choice of president while maintaining support of her union simultaneously.
Yeah, That post was some ****ed up macho hypocritical stupid ass bull****.
While I personally believe that, as a woman and especially as a union woman, voting for GW Bush is something close to being a traitor to your own sex...I also strongly believe that people are entiltled to their own opinions and should not be attacked on a personal level for having them.
You can argue her judgement, but don't cast aspersions on her character. If you have a personal beef with her keep it personal, a public arena is no place for that.
calling a woman a tramp is the oldest paternalistic trick in the book. If you're smart enough you don't need to attack people on this level. Women have a enough trouble getting respect in this business.
Calling a woman a tramp because you don't agree with her politically is the lowest kind of argument.
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
You're right, how can this happen when you and your friends bring out the best in people with you insights? What on earth did happen on that nemsa forum? Its hard to track now that it is gone; then, the most prolific insulters from nemsaland came here. It's so strange that the discussions started becoming uncivil again. People trying to get involved in their union through this format saw that some people began posting under false pretenses, waiting for an opportunity to give some smack-down. Made some people a little testy and uneasy I imagine.
You're right, the similarities between the nemsa forum and here are intriguing. What triggers the downslide?
I never said women have no place in EMS, get a grip. I am a woman.
I just went off on Michelle because she is a fake new person, makes little distracting posts and deserves to be obliterated.
As for a difference in political opinion, this election will decide your working conditions. If you support a candidate that has a proven Hx of encouraging outsourcing and closing down employment in the name of every American their own business leader, have at it. Please read what I write and not what you interpret.
See ya out there.........
That is humor, the see ya out there stuff.
The mean thing is humor also. For the comment about how people on this forum are mean.
I will never be a leader in the union, but I'll smack down rivals.
It is difficult, but sometimes you have to seperate your feeling on the was in the middle east and abortiong from labor issues. Bush clearly does not support those of us who work for a paycheck and make less then $300,000 a year. I would be interested in hearing what the reasons a labor organization such as the IAEP or any other should support Bush. I really think this debate is a good one, and we should give our insights sans the insults. I would love to hear some points of views about Bush concerngin Labor that I have not heard of yet. Michelle I totally respect your political opinion, what I am looking for is some insight that I have not yet heard yet, I would love to hear your point of view, thanks. -nate
I have no respect for Michelle because she is just a NEMSA Mole. I do not abide vermin. I poison, drown, shoot, and bury vermin.
Vermin can't vote. They cannot have a political opinion.
While IAEP wants to hold hands and bring people together, I am here being the bouncer checking out these rat bastards that want to get in the club and vandalize. Eventually, over time, the club will be shut down if the crowd is not controlled.
How is it that you have gleened patriarchal stereotypes? Women bashing? There has not been a blanket bash of women, just one woman. The word slut was never used. I have call little miss...See ya out there......on her falseness. That is it. I did take creative license to attack her as an individual that is looking for friends in all the wrong places and in all the wrong ways.
you fight your way i'll fight mine. and no you never outright called her a slut, but come on, take responsibility for what you say, sometimes implications are just as powerful as statements. what you implied was clear.
obviously you don't see why using the language and mode of attack which directly upholds, furhters and plays into patriarchal views of ALL women as a problem. i've explained myself, you don't agree the conversation is over.
it doesn't make you a bitch. (and yes forfend i get why you used that term specifically) just not very realistic about the impact of public speech.
you just sound like you've got a chip on your shoulder
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
Being involved in your union is a hobby. There's no financial compensation. It's interesting to some. It has an impact on bettering your working environment. If there are differences of opinions, and issues to address, what platform do you suggest for members to hash things out?
Members who were impacted by the last seven months, and have concerns over the near future, need to have a place to vent and get other's input. Getting p****ed, and swearing off "society", will make us divided and crazy. Better to get it all on the table, then sort through all the stuff and clean it up. As far as your concern that some must have too much time on their hands, or they wouldn't be here, this is the best medium because people don't have too much time on their hands. Would you rather spare time was spent in front of the television in isolation? I guess having most people ignorant and uninvolved would benefit some.