Somebody soon will be reviewing allegations against a previous employee of SEIU Local 250. This will include the investigations into whether or not working on starting a competative business while employeed by your future competitor is legal. Bill Gates got away with this, will the American Business Association allow for this kind of chaos to continue? Watch as you see the economists come out of the woodwork demanding that capitalism must be allowed to have young and hungry entrepreneurs overrun stagnant organizations to keep the market healthy. Hey, you might even see an attempt to have unions be publicly traded.
This promises to be an exiting program full of famous quotes from long lost stars like SHADOW FAX saying " More propaganda. You guys amaze me. You spin internal problems, accuse Torren for working against his own employer for months without any proof and to top it off bust his b*lls about him not giving two weeks notice to Local 250 before he left. WOW!!! How do you do it? Let's stick to the facts please."
This season all will be delighted to have their favorite characters return in full force. Hey smart guy, get ready for fleecing will be boldly spoken by Medic One. NEMSA Lover will advise you, "don't be so naive as to think that 250 or IAEP will NOT sell you down the river. In a New York Nano second! Anything for a buck!"
The drama will be charged! Some will laugh, some will cry. All will enjoy this upcoming seasons entertainment. Hang on to your seats and ignore your phone. We're in for an E ticket ride!
And as far as harrassment and intimidation, will it be disclosed who was throwing those cantalopes on certain people's cars?! That's why I'll be home to see the premier episode.
In response to the currant dynamics I have witnessed on this forum I choose to be a silent observer. I have had my fill of attacks on both sides and will withhold my opinions until the moments they count.
In the meantime offices need to be voted on and commities need to be formed. Until this takes place no official decisions can be made on behalf of the membership. To do so prematurely will only result in chaos, contempt and lack of support from those we are trying to help. Our loyalties to each other should always come before any union or association.
In addition, It is not prudent to make light of the allegations set forth by NEMSA or Local 250. No matter what conclusions are drawn during the investigations damage control will need to take place. Being disrespectful to others during these turbulant times is nonproductive and will only hinder unity and create anamosity. Enough said.