I hope you are all reggistered to vote in your counties, there are some important prositions on the ballot this time around, propositions which will directly affect us.
First up Prop. 63:
taxes 1% on personal income above 1 million dollars to expand mental health services.
Prop. 67
state would impose a 3% emergency telephone surcharge. revenues to go to ER's and EMS to cover the "uncompensated emergency and trauma care"
Prop. 72
requires employers of large and medium size to provide health care coverage for their workers. specifically targeted towards wal-mart.
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
Damn straight!!! Walmart is just speeding up the downfall of our society and anything we do to pinch them is allright in my book. And the greeters thing just makes my mad. I know where Im shopping, you dont need to welcome me.
And I second the opinion that everybody needs to vote. If you dont make your voice heard then your decisions get made for you, so start yelling!
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
I haven't looked into the Props as of yet, but I agree with Jeff. Any prop that starts with a "bond proposal" just equates to them taxing me even more for something they (government) should be doing already.
I really think prop. 63 is important, and seeing as it only taxes personal INCOME, not assets over 1 million dollars annually, it seems pretty fair.
I am unsure about the telephone surcharge propostion, it seems like the money goes mainly to hospitals and physicians rather than EMS. This seems faulty to me. Even the Green party is against it.
Prop 72. is extremely important. You pay nothing. In fact a recent study out of UC berkeley just outlined how much it costs counties and the state to pay for state/federal health care for workers employed by places like Wal-Mart who don't provide health care benefits. So in fact, forcing the corporate monoliths to treat their workers like humans is LESS expensive to the general taxpayer.
"Do they owe us a living? Of course the fu**ing do!" -Crass
I got this nifty expensive looking glossy mailer today from an organization called COPS. I've never heard of COPS except the TV show. When I was young, police officers got very angry over the term COP. It was offensive. Like the other offensive terms we hold in revere. Except police have rolled with it, evolved and made the offensive term COP work in their favor. Some people will always be a step ahead.
So the mailer is one of those things that ask you to vote in a way that the cops support. They do it to get candidate support. Candidates like Barbara Boxer that do not want people to have assault weapons. It makes a cops job hard to do when they are out armed. (public jobs are political?)
The cops say this:
Prop 63, 66, 72 no
Prop 64, 67, 68, 70, 71 yes
Good luck navigating how you will determine your political future and the friends and enemies you make based on your decisoins.
COPS in the California organization of police and sheriffs. So is that sheriff deputy (union) or the sheriff (management)? Oh how I hope that we can jump in the mix on our own without affiliation and figure all of this out. Wait! We are affiliated. Thank God!
The Law Enforcment community had a great plan in making the words COPS work for them. They made it stand for Community Oriented Problem Solveing and they put the plan into action well and changed the perception of what COPS stood for. Very impressive. I wish we could change the perception of medics and EMT's being refered to as "Bus" or "Buggy" drivers. That might be a little harder. Suggestions anyone?
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers