I am serious about this. I would like one of you to tell me the answer to the questions below. I even deleted a few of them. You demanded that Contra Costa follow your lead and you never told us why and how. Don't tell me it's been already stated. I have looked. You call us idiots and then get mad because we disagree. Idiots follow blindly. It would seem that you are following NEMSA without a reason why. If I were as passionate about a new organization as the five of you, you better believe I would be able to back my argument with a plan. I truly believe that you don't know the answers. You have been duped. You were seduced by a dynamic leader who made you believe that you were creating an organization that would change your lives. I am here to help you look behind the curtain and see the wizard for what he really is. A false profit with the ability to inspire the disgruntled. Prove me wrong with some answers.
Lets pretend for a moment, that the people who supported NEMSA, never attempted to inform the good folks at Contra Costa as to why they should change from a union to an association.
I would like to ask Rhino, Vern, Medic one, Ratman, and Duckblind 01 a few questions that I was never given the opportunity to ask.
2) Who is running NEMSA? 3) Who controls the money and what fiscal experience do they have (other than getting a Hummer financed [not a good sign of fiscal responsibility I might add])? 4) Since I am happy with my union, why should I accept change?
Please try to give a civil response. If at all possible, curb your anger and hatred for one thread.