I was just reading some posts and something occured to me. We are so far off base in our posts these days i think we have all forgoten exactly what we are fighting for. I think we all need to take a moment and count to 10 and see if you can remember why you started to post in the first place. Why did you begin to fight was it cause you hated someone else or was it cause it was a cause worthy to fight for. For me it was a cause worth fighting for. If we continue the name calling and bickering we are going to find ourselves so far off base that no one is going to be able to find there way back to square one. If we continue on the path that we are headed AMR wins and they will get exactly what they want.
so let me reiterate take a moment count to 10 and remember why you started this battle it wasnt cause of anger, hatered or haste, it was a cause worthy of fighting for. Now with that thought go back and see if we can all come up with something productive so we can all win against AMR.
I want to let you know what got me going. This is with absolute respect for your posts in mind. You share extremely well thought concepts and your ideals are to be commended. You are the kind of person that I wish I could be. Focused on the issues, solution minded and the ability to move forward.
Unfortunately, I am not like that. I am very bitter about the decertification that has taken place. I have witnessed first hand, a union take a disorganized occupation and make it a career where people have been able to work for over twenty years. We then decide to have a vote to decertify those that guided us into the ability to make a liveable wage. We barely, barely survived that decertification. Too close for comfort.
I started to post because they refused to go away. The votes showed that they were not to prevail, yet they stick around. They are so hungry for this workforce, it is dangerous. I post the way I post because I refuse to allow them to continue to try and distract the people that can be productive. I post because this is my war that I have adopted. I will continue to bury, squish, poison and drown these vermin until we no longer need to worry about them coming out and trying another decertification.
That is my explaination, now would the vermin like to explain their reasons?
Dawn you just asked the same thing I have for a while now..heres MY THEORY(yes mine not anyone elses)..Some people post the way they do for pure entertainment purposes....to see the responses. To put down others without identifying themselves... what the heck,who's it going to hurt? The words are written on a computer screen that shouldn't have an impact on anyone but the one who writes it and the response they get.(unless copied and shown around as a point that WE ARE ALL like the one who wrote the post) It's called human nature Dawn....Even if it comes down to a re-vote and 250/IAEP got the most votes again it wouldn't matter..it would be questioned again by some because NO ONE is ever happy with what they don't believe in! I wouldn't be happy if NEMSA won...it's called a personal choice, some don't understand that, nor do they accept it..your an idiot for voting the wrong way...whatever way that is.
Kathy Ivy
juat a nobody who has a personal opinion that im sure is wrong to everyone but me!
I think you are exactly right. Not everyone is happy with everything, that is human nature, just like you put it.
P.S. I think you ARE somebody and everyone's opinions count. Even if they are opinions that don't agree with our's, people are still entitled to them. You have a voice and you make it heard on this message board, clearly and intelligently.
quote: Originally posted by: TheCuteCat "Just a quick response to your post Kathy. I think you are exactly right. Not everyone is happy with everything, that is human nature, just like you put it. P.S. I think you ARE somebody and everyone's opinions count. Even if they are opinions that don't agree with our's, people are still entitled to them. You have a voice and you make it heard on this message board, clearly and intelligently. "
Cat, what are you an amateur psychologist. What exactly where you fired from AMR for.
Im not sure if your talking to me Rat or the Cute Cat..im Kat too..but spelled different..I would think me because im the one who referred to human nature and all Cute Cat did was agree..but who knows with you to whom you refer to..if me, no im not an amature psychologist (after being a medic in the field for 10 years you naturally learn human nature and the psyche of others, well you do if you care enough to pay attention)..and i've never been fired from AMR i unfortunately still work in CoCo as a medic. Just look around im the old one, in a sea of young!(yes 42 is old in this field)
So if it is me you are referring (even though it was not spelled with a K or me that you quoted, but asking Cute Cat that question doesn't make any sense..well when i look at all the previous post on this site, i can see how you might refer to her because after all we are all alike in some peoples eyes) than thanks for wishing me the fortune of being fired and probably rehired with back pay cash in my pocket(yes sarcasim, because if we look at AMR's stats with firing people i'd have my job back).. but alas... NO, im still original and im no pSyCoAnAlIsT..(obviously since it took 2 paragraphs to get to this point
never mind Rat..don't waste time with a response..i read another post and saw who it is your referring...just still don't understand the whole amatuer psychologist thing directed towards her..oooohh wait that right she did stroke my post a little..im guessing thats what you might have meant..because a good psychologist would have done that in group therapy...
Kat..or Kathy..or.. well i'll leave it blank for you all to fill in with your wonderful extent of the vulgar side of the english vocabulary..hey don't get me wrong im impressed!!!
Actually Rat, either you have been doing your homework or it was a good guess. I am an acting therapist for special needs children.
"Cat, what are you an amateur psychologist. What exactly where you fired from AMR for." -Rat Killer
I am unsure if you are asking me WHERE I was fired from at AMR (in what didvision) or what exactly I was (were) fired for. You have asked me this several times. It seems to be your only responses to my replies. Why do you want to know so bad? Is it really bugging you that much, that you would bring it up sooooooooo much??
quote: Originally posted by: TheCuteCat "Actually Rat, either you have been doing your homework or it was a good guess. I am an acting therapist for special needs children. "Cat, what are you an amateur psychologist. What exactly where you fired from AMR for." -Rat Killer I am unsure if you are asking me WHERE I was fired from at AMR (in what didvision) or what exactly I was (were) fired for. You have asked me this several times. It seems to be your only responses to my replies. Why do you want to know so bad? Is it really bugging you that much, that you would bring it up sooooooooo much??"
Forskin.... fired. Another validation to your, pitifull excuse for existance.
I can hear her now... 'Oh yes, allow me to tell you about labor concerns and guide you to a fruitful labor experiance, after all I have never been a steward or good employee. I have been fired and know nothing of the issues at hand. but follow me t, and believe me"....... you should write speeches for ROD.
My concerns are pretty much the same about NMSA and what Torren always said..he also wanted us to follow him pretty much blindly (as I saw it) with no real facts to back his plans except the whole "we can make a better union than 250 is or ever was". I sat in on some of his speeches and all I saw was a cracked foundation on which his plans lay..Hopes and dreams are just that; without a plan of action on how to make them happen with a reality based foundation dreams and hopes remain a unfulfilled fantasy. If NEMSA were so sure that the votes were wrong or that a re-vote may happen why are they not still trying to stay in the forefront and convince us of our wrong doing by voting 250 back in? Where is Torren and anyone else involved in NEMSA? I ask because I don't know..I haven't seen or heard a thing about NEMSA since the date of the vote. The only thing I see or read is on this board from some supporters of NEMSA. Can anyone here tell me this...am I way off base..is NEMSA still really active in some areas just not CoCo? All I get here is the whole immature comments that "your an idiot for voting that way" and "women in EMS are fat".... lets face it without some real NEMSA leadership staying active in their campaign how are they expecting to have things change if another vote is to take place? or are they just waiting for the NLRB to make a decission before they get active again? And if thats the case isn't anyone there thinking that it may be a dollar short and a day late?
Just a question..welcome any answers...im sure rude comments too will follow..have at it (oh and please make them original..I already know im an idiot and a monkey and probably fat cause im a women, for voting the way I did) ..
oh and no I wouldn't be active in calling them and asking questions because i voted the way I did for a reason..But if I were the members of NEMSA I would certainly still be trying to sway the thoughts of people like me in case of a re-vote...just a thought..maybe not even a good one..but a thought none the less..