GOVT. EMPLOYEES (NAGE) / SERVICE EMPLOYEES (SEIU) Fed. Judge Upholds SEIU Takeover of Mass. Govt. Union U.S. Dist. Judge Morris E. Lasker (Johnson) upheld the ouster of Mass. govt. union boss Kenneth Lyons by its international affiliate on Aug. 29.
The Service Employees Intl. Union (SEIU) placed the Natl. Assn. of Govt. Employees (NAGE) under trusteeship in Nov. 2001, after Lyons was accused of altering and destroying records relating to meals he paid for with James Hartnett, undersecy. of the Mass. Div. of Admin. and Finance, and the state's chief labor negotiator. Under Mass. ethics laws, public employees are barred from accepting or soliciting gifts and/or meals valued at $50 or more from business associates.
Judge Lasker found that the SEIU did not intimidate other NAGE officials into agreeing with the trusteeship. An election for NAGE president is scheduled for mid-September. [Boston Herald 8/30/02]
Soooooo, SEIU and NAGE are the same thing after all...
I see that the SEIU did not intimidate NAGE. Trusteeship is a normal part of business when a union leader has been negligent or corrupt. It is the check and balance of affiliates.
Affiliation is not a bad thing, it is what gives us power. NemsaLover has an Identity complex. how can you love an organization that really doesnt exist yet? I would be bummed if I was in love with a labor organization. Maybe they should try getting some hobbies and get a life, or maybe try to form some "affiliations" of their own.