"Let me tell you the real reason why they never return your call or came by the station. You see 250 has about 3000 ems members and only had to real paid field staff members. Now thats about 1500 members to each staff and only a few hours per week. Now correct me if i'm wrong but aren't the hospital nurses ratial(what does this word mean?) better then the ems. Could you handle 1500 members and all their problems not including staff meetings, stewards council, phone banking for some mayor or president that SEIU wants in office. If you really can handle that then you should of been the field rep. Lets ask the IAEP reps how many ems members they serve and and handle on a daily basis. At one time their was 3 lost time employees helping Tim and Torren out. So it was only a matter of fact that Tim and Torren decided that the EMSA members decerved better then that. Thats why NEMSA was formed. And just for your information Tim, and Torren quit 250. That you tell me if you were in their place what would you have done?" Whoa dude, now there is some great usage of the English language. Thank God NEMSA has such braniacs like you as supporters. You know, now I'm starting to see why I'd want NEMSA and their jack-off cohorts representing me. Rock on chump!!
Whoa dude, now there is some great usage of the English language. Thank God NEMSA has such braniacs like you as supporters. You know, now I'm starting to see why I'd want NEMSA and their jack-off cohorts representing me. Rock on chump!!
Hmmm... Tell me "dude", if I were to run this through spell check, what would happen? Not only that, if you were trying to communicate with someone in , say spanish, how would YOUR spelling be? also, Did you know Einstein could spell worth a penny? and if this IS the best you can come up with, I look upon you with the deepest sympathy...
So now its about race and not the facts. So tell me, are all IEAP raceist too. Should we Mexicans and African American be looking forward to White Hooded men coming by in the middle of the night. You see you both have now turned a conversation about union and made it a raceist matter. I wonder if IAEP supports that. If they do then maybe lets post this on the on the AFL-CIO webssite and show everybody what IAEP is all about.
When has anyone referenced that this is about race? I think its pretty obvious that in general, 250/IAEP supporters are leaning on the more liberal side, but don't quote me on that.
What????? how does laughing at coems for not being able to write anything intelligable make me a racist. Just to set the record straight, I don't think coems is and idiot because of his race-whatever it may be. I think he's and idiot because of the constant flow of illogical diarrhea from his piehole.
I really miss Shadowfax, Nemsa Lover, Ice Medic and all the rest of the group that used to post on this site. I wish that I could still post on the NEMSA board but I have been zapped, edited and erased. Erased is more severe than censored. What happened to adios? I truly loved that thread.