I'm not trying to be a conspiracy nut here, but with all this talk about article 20 and the fire department my mind started running...
Specifically, I started wondering why NEMSA's lawyer Tim Talbot is so interested in this. Sure, he stands to make a buck off of NEMSA, but that doesn't seem like enough reason for him to accuse the IAEP & Local 250 of blatantly lying and breaking the law. If he's such an experienced labor lawyer, then he must be familiar with the legality of service agreements. I can't imagine a lawyer acting so unprofessionally unless he's got a real good motivation(see his letter on the NEMSA website for what I'm referring to.)
Then something hit me, he's the CDF-Firefighters attorney. Iknow some of you won't believe anything unless NEMSA says it, so read it for yourself: http://www.nemsausa.org/html/cdf.html
Now, when you're reading this letter you will probably also notice that CDF-Firefighters is Local 2881 of the IAFF. So I decided to check out http://www.cdf-firefighters.org and see what I could see. On the front page I followed this link http://www.cdf-firefighters.org/trW32Sa/cpr.htm to the articel about the California Performance Review. The first paragraph of this article said:
"In January, President Bob Wolf reviewed the priorities of our delegates at the 2003 convention and formed the Cal Fire Ad Hoc Committee. The mission was simple enough – to ensure recognition, through appropriate title and reference, of CDF and CDF Firefighters as a full-service emergency response organization."(i added the emphasis)
WOW! where did this guy come from. This is some of the best info I have seen posted on this forum. Keep up the good work. And expect some flack from the sheep. They dont like when their plans are exposed. And they are nihilists.
"It's time to awake, get up and fight, fight for mankind, live for a cause" The Pilfers
How about this theory. You are a AMR plant and you are trying to prevent the members from voting for NEMSA. Working for AMR you know that when NEMSA sits at the bargaining table across from you, you are going to get a spanking you will never forget. In your mission you come up with as much Sh*@ as you can put it together call it a conspiracy on the part of the attourneys working for NEMSA. You do this bacause you can't come up with any real valid reasons to attack NEMSA and now you have to attack their attourneys. This is the only way you can now continue spew propaganda. How do you like that theory Mr conspiracy nut.
Ian Lee
San Mateo County EMT
Chief Steward BLS Division
And yes you now have to deal with me on this forum also. LET THE FLAMING BEGIN!!!!!!
ian, its funny how you respond so differently to my repost of this on NEMSA's forum... and I quote:
"Nice hunting on your part though. I appreciate it when people make an effort rather then spewing random opinions."
then on this forum you spew some random opinions of your own. I don't work for AMR, and the thought of AMR trembling from the thought of sitting across from NEMSA is so hilarious I can barely contain myself. Sure, one of the largest corporations in America is scared to death of an association that has more free t-shirts than members and more full color shrink wrapped trucks than it does dollars.
now, back to the point. I want to know who Tim Talbot is really loyal to. He is certainly acting in an unprofessional manner and against the wisdom of some of his own clients.
Did anyone else get the letter from the Peace Officers Research Association telling us how stupid we would be to leave SEIU for NEMSA? They must be left wing wacko's right? I bet all their lawyers suck, oh but wait, search PORAC and Tim Talbot on google and what do you find?Tim Talbot is a lawyer for the PORAC Legal Defense Fund. If my conspiracy theory isn't true, I still question his credibility. In my opinion he's been totally unethical in the way he's handled this situation, and I think he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. I have more faith in the oraganizations that he works for than him, and so far they're pretty consistant saying that NEMSA is a bad idea.
Oh yeah, and the reason I'm talking baout Talbot isn't because I can't find anything bad to say about NEMSA, plenty bad has been said. I'm just tired of being bombarded with how NEMSA has all this great lawyer and insurance broker and that's why we should vote for them. If you ask me, lawyers and insurance brokers are right up there with used car dealers in credibility, but Tim Talbot and that insurance guy are off the charts. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that two guys who were getting paid by my dues money while actively undermining my union ao that they could get cushy high paying jobs with no one holding them accountable would find equally dishonest people to do business with. Let's see, NEMSA has two thiefs, a lyng unethical lawyer, and a beligerent disrespectful insurance agent. No thanks! Those aren't the kind of people I want representing me...
evidence? follow the links champ. I'm not dick tracy, just a curious guy. If I culd find all of that out just using google, I would think there's probably a whole lot more that isn't so easy to find.
but hey, where there's smoke there's the fire dept.
Oh that’s intelligent. Let me remind you of what you stated as fact:
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that two guys who were getting paid by my dues money while actively undermining my union ao that they could get cushy high paying jobs with no one holding them accountable would find equally dishonest people to do business with. Let's see, NEMSA has two thiefs, a lyng unethical lawyer, and a beligerent disrespectful insurance agent. No thanks! Those aren't the kind of people I want representing me..."
Now Mr. Blow hard, when you make inflammatory statements such as these you had better come up with more evidence than "follow the links" and "where there is smoke there is fire" otherwise sit on the bench, read your Inquirer and watch the real men and women in this industry get the job done!
"NEMSA has two thiefs, a lyng unethical lawyer, and a beligerent disrespectful insurance agent. No thanks! Those aren't the kind of people I want representing me... "
And you base this on what? You state you don't work for AMR? who are you?
SEIU has been collecting our dues money for the better part of a decade and have we EVER seen anything from them? t-shirts might not be beneficial to you as a non amr employee, but in my book, it's better than having "my" union tell me and other stewards to "pass the hat around, or hold a bake sale" when asked for a minor contribution to bury one of the members 19 year old kid. That is a shame! IAEP, I'm sure has similar ethics no doubt about it, they are still SEIU. When there was first mention of Nemsa, Windbag Bowers left a "heartfelt" message on another stewards cell phone, if you want to hear it, there is a wav file that could be sent to you. Funny how Bill hasn't been showing his mug anywhere in any of the meetings for MONTHS. What? on a leash? makes sense. Don't want to end up with more egg of his face than there already is. Well, I'd say over the course of time Bill made plenty of money from 250 in contributions and being on 250's payroll as EMS division VP. Let's get back to Tammie for a sec. Did you know that the reps handling that idiot, were told by legal council to go ahead and settle? well she has gotten her job back but lost about $3000 from the settlement money. Why? she was offered a SWEET DEAL! $25K, clean file, ability to transfer to Spokane. She had gotten herself fired thanks to Bill. And then she turns around and has to work in COCO with this airbubble. Go figure. By the way one of the interns she harrassed works in a neighbouring county and did save all the copies of IR's complaints etc. So yes I did some fact checking. 10 years of misrepresentation is not going to be resolved by transfering us to just another division of SEIU. And I for one, and many with me, will not easily forget the sh*t we were exposed to as stewards, for the years we were subjected to this "regime". Ever wonder why THE MAJORITY of shop stewards in THE MAJORITY of the counties don't want to have ANYTHING to do with SEIU? because they blow chunks. For all you brainless gits out there that should be a clue. Does it matter? no, we will still win. Instilling fear to make your own choice the way is being done in Coco by the likes of Rod Billings and Bill Blower, not the way to do it. Smoking weed in the alco parking lot after the debate? juvinile at best. but whatever, another day another dollar for SEIU. Take it for what it's worth. I'll take a BBQ and a t-shirt. For free.
Medic, the links are to evidence of my initial theory. I said it was theory, but there is definate evidence. There is no dispute that Talbot and his firm represnet the CDF, the CDF's own website makes it clear that they have designs on EMS statewide, we know that statewide restructuring is happening due to the performance review and homeland security, and i posted the links to all those documents. AS far as NEMSA not having money, thats also a no brainer. If you want to contest that and say that NEMSA's rolling in it, then that opens a whole new bag of worms, because where is that money coming from?
Now, if you're asking for proof of the comments in my second post.
here it is: there's a post on this website with links the alameda court website which has all the documents of the lawsuit filed on my behalf as a Local 250 member against my former employees, tim bonifay and toreen colcord. The documents include emails from Tim Bonifay to the president of the Turlock EMS Association plotting NEMSA while still getting paid from my dues money. That's theft. And how did they get everyone's names? That's confidential information that doesn't belong to NEMSA. There's the proof on that. Next.
Tim Talbot makes unprofesssional and unethical comments about local 250 all the time, both when appearing with Tweedle Tim and Tweedle Torren and in writing. He steps way over the line with his language in the letter about the IAEP/250 service agreement. That's unethical. Now who's left, that rat who's selling us insurance? Well, let's just say words gotten around about his choice of words and vulgar insults towards people who don't agree with him.
I had given you more respect untill I had seen that you have a tendancy for propaganda. As I have read many of you other posts I think that it is safe to say that you really have no direct links to offer other then speculation and the generation of propaganda.
Boy, I'm gone for less than two weeks and I am being made to sound like such a nice guy. Nemsa lover, you have no idea who I am or how I approach people, so I don't understand why I am your target. I have no idea who you are, other than taking a blind stab that you support NEMSA, which is your only motivation for smearing me. It is obvious you know you have little to no support for NEMSA in CoCo, so I am your only target.
When you have something concrete that I have done that is not in the best interest of our members, then fire away kid!! Your only gripe is that I still support my union.
Well, I won't take the bait and stab you like that. I just came off a wonderful vacation, caught many fish with my daughter, watched her climb her first rock wall and rappell back down ( daddy as her belay....keeping in mind she is only four...a very proud moment), watched two bears ransack my campsite...TWICE!!<lol...mental note to self...don't "hide" the Fudge Brownie Mix at the bottom of the cooler...it really doesn't fool them much!!>, and did some incredible hiking. Why am I telling you all this? I don't know, but for the first time in a couple of months I am in a really good mood, and all of this has come to an end. So, I figure no one will be reading any of this tripe anyways so I might as well just type on in glee. Yosemite, Hot Creek, Middle San Joaquin, Rush Creek, Owens River, Reversed Creek, Green Creek, and Robinson are all still there and just as beautiful as ever. Kokanee salmon were just starting to run up the Upper Robinson Creek, which is something I've only seen once before on Taylor Creek (drops into Lake Tahoe), but these fish were much brighter in color. My daughter had a blast catching her first "Kokonut Sandmun" (or something like that). As usual, dropped the wife off in Mammoth to shop while I fished my beloved Hot Creek, in 20 mph wind (never thought I would pierce my own ears!!). Let's see...what else...oh yeah...My wife found a $100 dollar bill at the Mammoth Ski Resort, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why she told me<lol>, 'cause I wouldn't have told her!
Well, anyways, when we figure out who won, which I figure will be tomorrow, I hope we can all figure out how to be friends again. I hold no ill feelings towards anyone, even you NEMSA lover.