Torren has officially registered NEMSA as a business. Yes, all of you NEMSA supporters that are afraid of your dues being wasted had better rekindle those thoughts. Some of your money will now be helping Torren pay for his Hummer, his house, his bills, etc. I just hope there is money left for the poor soles at Oak Valley to help them in their time of need. What about the poor people in San Mateo? They had to find this out AFTER the vote. What other secrets will Toren disclose to everyone AFTER the vote, hmmmm??? The best part of this is that, to my understanding, is that if NEMSA gets in business trouble, THE MEMBERS WILL FOOT THE BILL!!! What is even better is that you can't find any of this on the NEMSA website. Muahahahaha, you can't erase the facts on this site Torren.
Hi my Fellow Medical Professional,Hey 911Driver, first how about using your REAL NAME to post? Have a sack and enjoy some credibility. Mine is Bob Canning, this may be my only posting here as attempts to register as a user on MY OWN Union's website have been fruitless, ie: I can't get ok'd as a member, but I have been able to create 2 other logon names without ANY problem immediately afterwards, you do the math. I am an outspoken critic of IEAP and have and WILL picket the main office again to express my views. I read on NEMSA's site that NO UNION MONEY is used to pay for either vehicle's upkeep, at least NEMSA has some kind of PR device, unlike IAEP. If that is a false statement by NEMSA, there'll be legal sequale to incur, don't you think this would be a stupid move on Torren's part considering all that's stake here? Also, I wouldn't vote IAEP to represent ANYBODY! The main reason is a quote from Mike Eosco during our initial contract rollout, he said, "Just vote it in and we'll fix it next time" as well as, "If you want to get pregnant, you should have picked another field to be in" Nice words from the guy who negotiates your deals, huh? Also the contract got voted in because AMR re-proposed the deal to favor the EMT's over the medics. I voted "NO" both times because the deal stunk, but when temporary employees see $$$ the reasoning kind of goes away. I am a career professional and watch my partners' backs, I wish the voting body of EMT's would see this field the same way. NEMSA is so much better than IAEP that I could spend all day telling you why, instead please go to and do some reading yourself. please? Sincerely, Bob Canning
If you are having trouble registering for the message board it's likely that you're not receiving the confirmation email necessary to complete registration because your email service is blocking it as spam. This is the case for many of the large carriers (aol, yahoo, hotmail). I assure you that no one is trying to prevent you from being able to post.
For everyone who has attempted to register in the last 24 hours, I have now activated your accounts. You should be able to login now with the username and password you set up.
Goodafternoon, My name is Steve I am a paramedic in San Joaquin County. I find it funny that IAEP is taking shots at Torren and NEMSA. While the Local 1 forum back in Boston seems to be up in arms. I encourage all of you to visit the message board on the site and read from the IAEP members back there, and the displeasurge they have with IAEP. They do not seem to be at all happy with IAEP the leaders or the representation they have recieved. the link is The area seems pretty upset that The president is out here trying to show us the way to IAEP while Local 1 is in need of representation. I have been a Steward for 8 years in my County. I can tell everyone that I have seen an heard SEIU 250 make comments about how IAEP is a secound rate union an has poor representation. But know since they had a horrible loss to NEMSA in San Mateo County and see the future IAEP is there friend. Seems to me that SEIU 250 would rather keep the dues dollars in SEIU with a substandered Union (SEIU250 statement not mine) that has ties with SEIU than lose the dues. Makes you think ha??????
Isn't it interesting how AMR has tried to keep its pending sale secret? Up until yesterday afternoon, every management person I spoke with flat out denied that AMR is to be sold. If I were about to buy a company, I would pay much more for a company where labor was divided and had no contract if force, rather than a company where labor had representation and an existing contract. AMR clearly wants us to vote in NEMSA. Think about it... If we vote in NEMSA, while our working conditions will not immediatley change, AMR, (or our new parent company) can force us to bargain an entirely new contract, and risk losing everything we have gained over the past 10 years. With IAEP our existing contract with all of its many benefits will remain intact including the right to arbitration.
Well, Steve.. I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a hard time out there with IAEP and your representation. You do know that you, the members, have complete control over who your eboard is, don't you? I know that you do seeing as how you are a shop steward, but maybe the other members don't. Also, you, and others from your Local, are always talking about how your contract is "substandard".. but you seem to forget that you the members voted on that contract before it was negotiated. I've been a member of the IAEP and in our Local, as is the practice with IAEP nation wide, the eboard and stewards ASK the members in writing what they, the members, feel is the most important thing(s) that they want negotiated in the next contract. The people tell them what they want, and they do their best to get it. If you think that your contract is less then what you feel it should be, you should be ousting your president, not the union. The union is there for when negotiations halt, grienences move into arbitration, and the such, not necissarily to negotiate your contract. That is why you have a goverment type body at the Local level. They know how to deal with your division on a ground basis, the Union (IAEP) does not. True that the pres and eboard are to be the representatives of your union, but they are reps that you pick from your pool of employees. And boy, I can tell you that there are some extrEEEEEEmly substandard presidents out there. So you have my most hearfelt sympathy in that regard. I just would like to toss out there that before you do something as drastic as oust your union, benifits, and affiliations that go along with it, why don't you throw out your pres and/or eboard and see if that takes care of your problem. From what I've heard, you do have a crappy contract, but.. get in touch with someone like Matt Levy who is your manager of oranization ( I think that is his title...) for that side of the country, and see if you can make something happen. It just seems hasty to jump that far without KNOWING you will land on your feet in the end. NEMSA is a good idea, but...... I'm not sure if they can follow through with all that they are promising and hoping to accomplish. Even the most desired dreams don't see fruitation. I'm sure that they might succeed in the future, but give them time to make some secure foundation. Personally, I think they are biting off more then they can chew before they know what they are getting into. Torren does have a background as a rep of a very strong and large union, but he's never done something like this before and I'd hate to see all these people loose everything if is does fail. Although, for the record, I do believe that his heart is in the right place. But haven't you ever known someone who has the biggest heart in the world get taken advantage of by everyone around them??? One Last thought.. if you don't like your pres and you are willing to give it a try with ousting him, why don't you run for the pres postition, you seem to have a good feel for what you want and what your coworkers want.... fight for them and see what you can do..... You know you will have their full support. If it doesn't work, at least you, and your coworkers, will have the peace of mind to know that you did everything you could to make it work.. and you can always go with NEMSA after. Also... I know you don't like Matt Levy over there and I completely agree with your reasons for sceptisism.. but he IS very knowledgable and can help you with this or get you in contact with the right people. Don't let your pride and stubborness get it the way of bettering your situtation... especially when it could be fixable.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Point of information, NEMSA did not take down the message board. It hit a maxium number of post so it stalled 25,000 to be exact. The webmaster is currently working to get it back up. Also just so everyone knows NEMSA was voted in by San Mateo County on August 9th. NEMSA has ben certified by the NLRB on Monday Aug 23rd and NEMSA already has a TA with AMR to roll the current contract over. Does anyone think with AMR up for sell that they want a Company that is in negotiations with 2300 members. I dont think so, I am confident the same will happen here, The contract will simply be rolled over until June 30, 2006.
Clear My side, I dont believe you understand. We are not an IAEP local and we are 2 % of the voting populus in SEIU250 so we have no majority control thats why we want out. That is who we belong to. I do not feel we have a bad contract, i believe we have a great one. Also you present yorself as if you are from the east cost however you made a comment about Dave Turner (which at this point is unfounded) at the end of your statement that was made yeasterday in Stockton arnt you from Santa Cruz why not use your real name????? However thanks for the comment just wanted to set the record straight.
I wish I had the confidence in AMR that you do, but I don't have that kind of faith in them. I've worked for them for toooo long with and without a union and I know that they can play filthy dirty, especially when you leave the door open like you will if you don't have a concrete contract in place. I don't believe that they will play nice by any means, no matter what they say. I like working for them, don't get me wrong, but I don't trust them any farther then I can throw them.. which isn't very far...
The "unfounded comment" made by Dave Turner... I was in the room with him when he made that comment along with a NEMSA supporter by the name of Jaime and a female shop steward who's name I honestly can't remember.. not to mention the Santa Cruz medic and IAEP rep.As a matter of fact, I'm sure he will remember me because I was taking notes. Dave called after the meeting in Stocktin to ask the Santa Cruz medic if he had really told everyone that he had said that. And then proceeded to back peddle.... "well... let me explain what I actually ment by saying that".. I don't need explainations.. I know what he ment by that comment because the question posed was if the shop stewards had been promised a stipened or paid position if NEMSA was voted in.
And no.. I'm not from Santa Cruz. I went up there as an unbiased observer to see for myself what was really going on, how it worked, what IAEP was really about, and I got more then I bargined for. I've heard all the NEMSA stuff, and I wanted the other side. I would have liked to spend time with NEMSA, but to be honest, I'm convinced from what I've seen by them and the people who support them, that I would not be welcome in their circles because I have a background of working in an IAEP Local and I very much enjoyed it.( not to mention that my ex-shop steward from my division called up there and told everyone incorrectly that I was a "die hard" IAEP supporter) They verbally bash anyone who questiones them or is on the fence... unless you chase them down and wave the white flag.. but even then they are very stand offish. The supporters are vicious. There is a Montery employee who works part time in Santa Clara and he's been threatened verbally and over the pagers by NEMSA supporters because he tends to favor IAEP. He said that he was also chased and nearly run off the road by employees from Santa Clara and is now afraid to go to work because he just bought a new car and is afraid of what they may do to it or him. And NEMSA doesn't say anything to calm their supporters down. It's one thing to be passionate, but aren't we supposed to be professionals here? They just stand there smuggly while their supporters practically spit and pull their hair out, like at the Stockton meeting.
I never said I was from the East Coast.. I honestly don't know why you would have gotten that bug in your ear. I only gave my opinion and suggestions based on what I know from actually working as a member of an IAEP Local. I work in California for AMR in North Hollywood, and if you were really at the meeting at Stockton.. perhaps we met. I know that my opnion has no effect on the vote in Northern California, and it probably doesn't even matter to you, but being as I am from the outside.. I may see things that you don't. You know how they say that if you are in the middle of things.. it's best to at least listen from the outside because they may see something that you don't, even if you don't agree or follow those suggestions/ideas....
And I do apologize for the previous mix up. I thought you were part of IAEP Local 1. I just reread your post and you aren't.. you're from San Joaquin.... But still... you have to admit that my points and suggestions are still valid... even if you don't agree.
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
quote: Originally posted by: Clear_my_side "I wish I had the confidence in AMR that you do, but I don't have that kind of faith in them. I've worked for them for toooo long with and without a union and I know that they can play filthy dirty, especially when you leave the door open like you will if you don't have a concrete contract in place. I don't believe that they will play nice by any means, no matter what they say. I like working for them, don't get me wrong, but I don't trust them any farther then I can throw them.. which isn't very far... The "unfounded comment" made by Dave Turner... I was in the room with him when he made that comment along with a NEMSA supporter by the name of Jaime and a female shop steward who's name I honestly can't remember.. not to mention the Santa Cruz medic and IAEP rep.As a matter of fact, I'm sure he will remember me because I was taking notes. Dave called after the meeting in Stocktin to ask the Santa Cruz medic if he had really told everyone that he had said that. And then proceeded to back peddle.... "well... let me explain what I actually ment by saying that".. I don't need explainations.. I know what he ment by that comment because the question posed was if the shop stewards had been promised a stipened or paid position if NEMSA was voted in. And no.. I'm not from Santa Cruz. I went up there as an unbiased observer to see for myself what was really going on, how it worked, what IAEP was really about, and I got more then I bargined for. I've heard all the NEMSA stuff, and I wanted the other side. I would have liked to spend time with NEMSA, but to be honest, I'm convinced from what I've seen by them and the people who support them, that I would not be welcome in their circles because I have a background of working in an IAEP Local and I very much enjoyed it.( not to mention that my ex-shop steward from my division called up there and told everyone incorrectly that I was a "die hard" IAEP supporter) They verbally bash anyone who questiones them or is on the fence... unless you chase them down and wave the white flag.. but even then they are very stand offish. The supporters are vicious. There is a Montery employee who works part time in Santa Clara and he's been threatened verbally and over the pagers by NEMSA supporters because he tends to favor IAEP. He said that he was also chased and nearly run off the road by employees from Santa Clara and is now afraid to go to work because he just bought a new car and is afraid of what they may do to it or him. And NEMSA doesn't say anything to calm their supporters down. It's one thing to be passionate, but aren't we supposed to be professionals here? They just stand there smuggly while their supporters practically spit and pull their hair out, like at the Stockton meeting. I never said I was from the East Coast.. I honestly don't know why you would have gotten that bug in your ear. I only gave my opinion and suggestions based on what I know from actually working as a member of an IAEP Local. I work in California for AMR in North Hollywood, and if you were really at the meeting at Stockton.. perhaps we met. I know that my opnion has no effect on the vote in Northern California, and it probably doesn't even matter to you, but being as I am from the outside.. I may see things that you don't. You know how they say that if you are in the middle of things.. it's best to at least listen from the outside because they may see something that you don't, even if you don't agree or follow those suggestions/ideas.... And I do apologize for the previous mix up. I thought you were part of IAEP Local 1. I just reread your post and you aren't.. you're from San Joaquin.... But still... you have to admit that my points and suggestions are still valid... even if you don't agree."
You've been doing this sooooo long.'re like 22 years old. Some of us have boots older than you. Give me a break. Steve, has spoken the truth...82% voted for NEMSA in San Mateo. AMR and NEMSA have already finished the TA that roll their contract why would AMR not do that for the rest of the Northern California personnel. Duh! Ethics seem to be playing a huge role in this campaign, perhaps Local 250 could grow a set and stop lying every time they speak. Vote NEMSA, and get these lying two faced unions gone.
Actually, I'm almost 30, and I'm working on my 7th year of working in EMS and my 6th with AMR (when I started AMR had in effect the "must be over 21 to work here" rule).. not 15-20 years true.. but long enough to have learned that AMR is not as trustworthy as you seem to believe. And you think AMR is going to sign off that contract based on "ethics"??? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ha.. Don't bet the farm.
-- Edited by Clear_my_side at 17:03, 2004-08-25
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Oh.... but thanks for thinking I look as young as 22!! I guess oil of Olay really works!!! Sunscreen ladies.. it's all in the sunscreen!:laughing
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Icemedic, I have been doing this for a long time, and I agree with Amy. I've been in EMS for over 20 years. I've seen how far companies will go for a buck at the expense of the employees. You mentioned that a TA has been signed between San Mateo and AMR. If true, GREAT! As I stated in a previous post, a group of investors would much rather take over a company where labor is divided and no contract exists. It makes the company more valuable to a potential buyer and therefore, Laidlaw would stand to make more money. By signing a TA with approximately 65 paramedics, I personally believe AMR is trying to entice the rest of the 2400 member labor force to vote in NEMSA. Its simple economics. It is naive believe AMR would not use San Mateo as a 'lost leader' to get the rest of us to vote NEMSA.
Additionally, IAEP can offer us everything NEMSA can plus more. We get a union that is solely EMS driven. The officials are elected, (not self-appointed like NEMSA), Our contract and all of its benefits remain intact, including the right to arbitration. The Taft-Hartly health plan will remain in force. There is no risk of losing anything we have gained over the past ten years. I cannot risk my career and livelyhood for the unknown of NEMSA.
The title reads Torrens Lies, but it's 911 Driver who lies. You see 911 driver is an ex-employee of AMR in So. Cal. (A.V) He is not even employed by AMR. So 911 driver stop telling people that your a 911 driver. You should say ex-911 driver. Don't think I don't know who you are. The web site is for real SEIU/IAEP members and current EMS employees and your neighter.
Clear my side I did not call Northern Califfornia and say your a big IAEP suppoter. Your e-mail that you sent me and everyone else spoke for it's self. I have no hard feeling for you and look forward to chatting with you back in No. Ho. I still think that you are a really nice person and do respect your views. You see me and you will have to decide who to vote when the time comes. I will tell you this, if IAEP wins in No. Cal I will support them, and if NEMSA wins I will also support them as I hope that you will also do.
I hope that when the votes are all in and the winner is announce that each side will respect what the members have voted for and try to work for a better fulture.
I agree. I do hope that everyone can "get along" once this is all over. I know that our division is not nearly has charged as it is up north.
I do respect you Carlos... but I over heard at the Stockton meeting from a group of employees that "that girl that's taking notes is the girl that Carlos told us about.. She's a die hard IAEP supporter".. I don't know what to make of it except for what I heard... what would you make of it.. And as I stated in my email to you..... I went as an unbiased obeserver.. and that's exactly what I did.. I rarely said anything to anyone.. you can even ask Torren. He didn't like me taking notes at his meeting or listening in on him.. I heard his snide comments .." slow down.. Amy has to write this down".. but I only wrote down because it helps me to remember and that way I can refresh my memory instead of letting it fade... I'll be happy to discuss with you anything you like. I went as an unbiased oberver and will give any information out that is asked for unbiasedly... of course I do have my own opinions. but I don't think that I have to give them when passing out info.... it's sells itself in my eyes.. as I'm sure it does in yours. I do have the utmost respect for you and like I said.. I'll be happy to talk with you about anything you like. I know that you are more reasonable than some of the people that I observed and I'm sure that we can behave as the professionals that we are.
I'm also glad to see that you have the dignity to say that nomatter who wins.... you will support them.. I too feel that way..... May the best man ( union) win!
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
The only person that I speak to in No. Cal is Torren and yes I cc your e-mail. So maybe he told them about you.
I will promise you this that I will not say anthing bad about you on any website. I as always am willing to answer any of your question that you may have. Please remember one thing. I am not NEMSA as your are not IAEP. We are two employees of a company that really needs a strong union that will help nagoiate a great contract for it's members. Even do we both have a different idea as to which union is better, we only have one vote each and we have over 120 members in No. Hollywood. So I wish both IAEP and NEMSA lots of luck in the election, but who ever wins that who I will be supporting in So. Cal.
Everyone, meet Carlos Osorio. He is a sell-out from North Hollywood AMR. Carlos walked away from 250 when they refused to give him the 75k position that he demanded. After leaving 250 and all of the people that were depending on him to fight their grievences, he called his friend Torren. Torren has offered him a paying position with NEMSA when, and if, they come into power. Carlos has also stated that NEMSA pays him through his side business to make hats, pens, shirts, etc. You see, Carlos stands to make a great deal of money when NEMSA comes to his area. Carlos also rips IAEP even though they helped him when his area went on strike (he admits this on the 250 site). Carlos fights so hard for NEMSA because he plans to make money off of all his fellow employees. Yes, as I stated in another post, I plan to return to the field after medic school, I just want to get the info to prepare myself when this fight comes to my area (the area that I have 3 years in). Have fun Carlos being a NEMSA rep, I mean EMPLOYEE.
You forgot to tell everyone that I also have a contract with AMR sell t-shirts , polo shirts and hats also. You see 911 driver I have been in bussiness for over 10 years and and my customers really like my products. Want to buy IAEP items , i can make them for you.
You speak but the words coming out of your mouth are not making sense. Who from 250 offer me $75k? Answer that one first then I will ask the other question later.
Look, I don't want this to turn into a bash fest. You and I fighting with each other will not solve anything. I don't care what deals you have or don't have. Bashing me because I am not on an ambulance right now is not important either. What is truely ironic is that I was going to work at your division around this time last year but refused because I wanted to go back to my old area. Anyway, let's bash out the facts about NEMSA and IAEP. This is what is going to answer questions and solve the issues at hand. Everybody here can say whatever they want about me but is it really going to help? No. But, attacking Torren personally has its justification because this is the person has the potential to represent you and everyone else. I am not pro any union. I think what 250 did is terrible, but when NEMSA went on the warpath against IAEP, I took a second look.
Carlos, let's have a truce. You don't know me and I don't even know you or what you even look like? Again, attack my facts and statements. When you have the urge to attack me, research that much harder and put the slap down with some facts. If you have dirt on IAEP, show it. You won't get booted here. Everything that I posted on the NEMSA site was from here and my contacts. If NEMSA truely has nothing to hide, why was I booted???
Here is a question to all of you NEMSA people out there:
Torren states that the IAEP/SEIU Service Agreement is ILLEGAL. According to the Agreement, it took effect August 20th. So in that case, ALL of you are that are still with SEIU are now being represented by IAEP. I don't see Torren raising a red flag??? What is the deal??
quote: Originally posted by: 911Driver "Here is a question to all of you NEMSA people out there: Torren states that the IAEP/SEIU Service Agreement is ILLEGAL. According to the Agreement, it took effect August 20th. So in that case, ALL of you are that are still with SEIU are now being represented by IAEP. I don't see Torren raising a red flag??? What is the deal?? ~Driver"
You're right, but again if this was your business people might listen to you! Go away, go finish school. Let the real EMS people handle our business.
Driver: As much as I think that NEMSA is being disingenuous with their information (or lack thereof), I don't think that posting a topic "Torren Lies" leads us to reasonable discourse. Of course you're free to post whatever you like, and I agree with most of what you post, my personal opinion is that a topic with a title like that makes us look like the mindless, slavering hordes we were accusing some NEMSA supporters of being. Maybe tone it down a bit?
Now here is a person that makes sence. You never call someone a lier that you never met. I will agree with that. Now 911 driver if want to talk about contracts then lets look at North Hollywood/Glendale. Yes by the way I did nagoiate this contract and went on strike twice for it. I can tell you that our contract is alot better then Local 187/77 was. We made over $3,500 a year more then them. That's not including the following
SEIU Glendale IAEP 187/77
$200.00 driving bonus every 8 weeks NO
$60.00 a month bilingal pay NO
$30.00 payroll error NO
$5.00 call bonus after 3 calls NO
$280.00 speacial assingment pay a month NO
1 hour paid if misses C-7 NO whats a C-7
45 minutes C-7 Nope
Daily overtime yes
.5 premium pay for holdover NO
1 1/2 hr manatory holdover L.A division 3 hrs
PTO new employee cash out 6 months 1 year
2 raises a year 6.5% 1 a year
Those are some example of the difference between Glendale and L.A 187/AV 77 contract. If you don't belive me ask to see the last contract book. Yes I know that the new one is still being nagoiated still. But I can bet that they still don't have any of what we have as stated above.
So let agree not to trash talk each other anymore on the website. You see 911 I'm not afraid to say who I am. I want people to ask me question on IAEP and NEMSA. You see I have delt with both union as a steward and have friends who belong to both unions.
I look forward to the day we meet in person. I will buy you a drink (beer/soda) and we can figure out what the real story behind the storys that have been said.
1) This was IAEP 77's first contract and if I am not mistaken, Glendale has had a union longer than AV. Also, 77 is tied to 187. These clowns always screw everything up for us.
2) This was also the first time the EMS people at AV negotiated a contract. IAEP is run BY EMS workers FOR EMS. AVSCV did this on thir own. It was not the best, but it was better than nothing.
3) How did your old contract compare to the old 77 contract? 77's contract that you are using is 5 years old and the one from Glendale is only a year old. I know that the new pay scale is going to blow you guys out of the water.
4) 77 gets an hour lunch with a 1 hour bonus if your lunch is missed.
5) 77 does not have a "special unit bonus" because there are no special units. Only 911 units with 1 new CCT unit. The CCT went in last year and has not become unionized yet. We also have paramedics to add to the pay. All Glendale has are EMT's. Also, AV has to budget against the 911 call volume. Glendale has hospital contracts for income. Glendale AMR pretty much knows how much they are going to bring in.
Again, this contract is 5 years old and I think that your area had a contract or 2 prior to 77 going union. Also, you seem proud of your contract. Why walk away? Let's wait to see the new 77 contract.
Carlos, I do have a few questions for you, and I'm not "attacking" you. .I just feel these should be answered
I understand the moral reasons for walking away from being a cheif shop steward, and I do commend you on that, however, you did have a responsibility to the people that you represented to stay the course. You openly admit that you feel that SEIU is not up to the task of taking care of greivences, and yet you dumped them all on them. Then you trash everyone up and down that they are not doing as good a job as you can or could do. I don't understand how it is that you believe that no matter what union is voted in, that you will be the representative for the members. You do have to be voted into the position do you not? And you've already proved to the memebers that you will walk away as soon as you think that you're not being treated fairly by the union. Correct me if I'm wrong, but life isn't fair. You were voted in to represent people and then you abandoned them. You say that the shop stewards still contact you because SEIU doesn't know what they are doing.... why did you leave them to fend for themselves if you didn't think that SEIU couldm't take care of them and the members?
Also, you're right, the contract you negotiated is good. And you negotiated it last year. And IAEP supported you when you went on strike to get that contract. They didn't have to do anything to lift a finger to help you, but they did..... and you say that you have all these contacts with IAEP reps... how come you only talk about IAEP like it is the worst thing ever instead of giving info unbiasedly.. you preach about how NEMSA is going to be great for EMS, and maybe it will.. but don't you have a responsibility to give both sides? But, then, as you've admitted, Torren has offered you a position if they are voted in..and of course I don't blame for saying you'll take it... but doesn't that just prove that you cannot be unbiased on this issue?
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
First of all our contract in Glendale was voted in 2002, but it run from sept 16, 2001-2005. Yes this was our second contract for BLS employees, but the members and the stewards at the time decided what they wanted for them. You keep saying that IAEP 187/77 contract was their firts. Correct me if i'm wrong but when was IAEP formed? Way before L.A voted in IAEP right. So I don't buy that it was their first. No union employee should have to settle for a weak contract at any time.
Now you say that the new L.A contract will blow ours away. Good i hope so you see because when it's our turn we will bargain a much better contract then that one. That's what suppose to happen each time a new contract come up. Let me ask you another question. How come Ventura has a better contract and wages then your so call new contract that is being nagoiated. I know that for a fact the the wages are about $6000 more a year then what AMR is offering them right now. Also to let you know Glendale is only about $700 less then whats on the table.
Now lets answer the why I left being a shop steward. You see after 4 years I decided it was time for me to spend time with my family. I have been volunteering my time to the EMS employees of AMR in North Hollywood for 4 years and I felt it was time for me to step down and aloud another steward to take over. I never abanden the members from my division. I still work their and and still answer employees union question from time to time. Didn't you call me several time Clear my side about union questions. I answer then right. When someone abanded then they refused to answer questions or help its co-workers. I still get calls from employees and shop stewards because they know that I will help them with any problem they have. So you see I did not abanded the members of AMR North Hollywood. I decided to spend time with my family. And Clear my side I have decided that when the new union comes in I will not be taking a position also because I don't have to. You see I have a chose in this matter.
Now the grievance question. Every grievance that I field and handle was turned over to 250 rep Hawk on the day I stepped down. I made sure that he was updated on the status of each one and what needed to been done next. Now from what I understand Hawk some how miss place some of the files and wants to blame me for his mistakes. If you want you can call Adurea at 250 and ask her about that day we met at Northridge Hospital (Sherman way) and handed over the files to Hawk.
Now the name hawk sound familier to some of the IAEP members is because he is the same Hawk who help formed the union in L.A. Yes the same Hawk who nagoiated the L.A /A.V contract. Ask Mark Pinkcus about hawk and how many years Hawk had as an EMS Field rep? Also ask Mark pinkcus why hawk left IAEP? Now that a really good question that you should ask.
Oh yes the offer from NEMSA. Yes Clear my side torren did offer me a position with NEMSA if they get voted in, but you see one has to be elected first as you stated in your post. And yes I told you that I would consider it. But that means nothing. IAEP ask you to come up to Northern California, and paid for your airfare and room and meals right? Does that make you a IAEP sell out?
When it come to being a shop stewards yes I am really good at what I do, but I also don't need to be one at this time. Maybe you should be one since you are very concern about the members fulture?
as always it been a pleasure talking to you and yes you too 911 driver.
Have I or have I not said on more than one occasion that I understand why you quit as the chief shop steward? I know you still work there. All I ask is why you are so gun ho to get NEMSA in if you don't want to have anything to do with the union? You stepped down and left the grievences with someone that you feel is inadequate for the job, I understand that you "brought him up to date" but keep in mind that the reason for having a chief shop steward is because he is supposed to fight for these grievences on the local level. The "representative", ie Hawk, takes care of the entire Southern California SEIU and IAEP unions. I'm not saying that is an excuse, but that is why there are chief shop stewards in place, to take care of the members at a fast and efficient rate. You stepped down and now there is nobody in that spot to take care of buisness, but you continue to stamp your feet and make all this noise. You're the one who left your post, so don't pitch a fit if you don't like the results. Spending time with your family is of course important.. but it doesn't give you the right to stand on the hill and preach your message when you don't even want to play the game. You can't have your cake and eat it too Carlos. And for the record.. I have not once called you for any reason that has to do with the union. A girl I worked with called about an issue that had to do with pay, and if I had wanted to persue it I would have. But I didn't and never contacted you for that or any other reason.
As to the reason why we don't get paid as much as Ventura county AMR employees.. That's a very interesting story. First of all, Ventura AMR is a mutual aid. They have a LOT more bargining power then we. We sling gomes from Hospital to con home and back again. We work entirely differently. Secondly, as it was explained to me from your "good friend" at Local 187, in Los Angeles County, we, as private ambulance employees, have to register with the DOT as taxi drivers, therefore our base pay is the same as taxi drivers...which is around minimum wage. The fire fighters and ER techs get to register as Health Sevices. So their base rate is a lot higher then ours. This is a bill that was passed. The unions can not change this bill. It completely sucks and is a load of BS, that there it is. Remember when you went to DOT to get your license to drive in Los Angeles.. did you notice that everyone there was either a taxi driver or bus driver. We are considered such in the eyes of LA County. Crap isn't it.
And yes.. as I said before I left in the email that I sent you.. IAEP did invite me to come up and see for myself what is going on. I said that I was going up as an unbiased observer and did just that. I sat in on talks and meetings and got a taste of what they are really about. I said that I was all for NEMSA when it was against SEIU, but since it was now against IAEP I was on the fence. I have worked in contracts were IAEP was the union and in one Local I enjoyed it very much, the other.. it was a nightmare because of the Local pres being a sell out to the company. That is not the unions fault, that is the interm pres that noone will stand up against and demand a vote. IAEP did pay for my room, ticket, and meals because they thought it was important that I see for myself them and NEMSA in action. If they hadn't paid for me, I would not have been able to go and all we would have had in Glendale is your opinion and idea about which union to go with. Now we have two... and I have acutally seen with my own eyes both parties in action. Have you? Or have you just had Torren chirping in your ear over the phone for the last few months? Have you seen IAEP working up there? Or are you basing it what you think you know down here. I thought I knew a lot about IAEP and I actually worked with them and consider some of the reps to be very close friends, as a matter of fact, some of them have actually been my partners. But for all that I thought I knew, now I know more. Searching for information to make an educated decision and giving that info out to anyone who asks, that does not make me a "sell out". I was on the fence when I left and had no real idea which way to go, forming my opinions based on the experience I had watching NEMSA work, listening to No. Cal. employee's worries, concerns, and views, listening with an open mind to a new option... what is wrong with that? I'm still open to all info that NEMSA dishes out, just as with IAEP. I was a due's paying member to IAEP for 5 years Carlos..... and as a curtesy they offered an invitation that I never got from NEMSA. Have you been invited by them to observe them in action? If so.. what did you see? Share that with us won't you. Unlike you, however, I have not and have never been offered any kind of position with IAEP, ever. I have absolutly nothing to gain. You have openly said that Torren has offered you a postition if and when they are voted in. I still have the email Carlos. I have it in writing. I don't base my actions on what IAEP says, what they "tell me", nothing. I have worked under them before and have faith in them. I do not have faith in NEMSA, but if they were our union, then they would be our union. You have also openly stated that you do buisness with Torren through your silk screening buisness. Do you or do you not have money to make if NEMSA is voted in? Note, I have not said that if you do, I think less of you. You have a family to raise.. but don't hide behind that fact to justify your actions.
And you are correct.. Local 187 has had a contract longer then Local 77.. but you did do a comparison with Local 77's contract with your own did you not? IAEP has been around since 1992. Each Local negotiates it's own contract based on what the members want. As with what NEMSA promises, the more contracts that you negotiate with that division, the better the contract will be. When you start from nothing ( as NEMSA will if voted in) then you do the best you can with what you get. I believe that Local 77's contract was pretty good for when it was put into affect 5 years ago. I was there before there was union, so what we got was beyond our dreams. Now it is outdated and is in negotiations again. This time the eboard has more experience and can negotiate a better contract.. within the limits as I described above. We do not work in Ventura County or Santa Barbara county. We do not do what they do. We will not get a contract like that. If you want something better, go where you can get it. NEMSA will not get you the contract that Ventura has. They can't. If we walked off the job, big deal. AMR will just put the calls on extended ETA, call the surrounding counties and continue with buisness.. for a time of course. If Ventura or Santa Barbara or San Bernadino walked off the job (which they would never do because they realize the consequences to the community if they did) it would spell disaster. We don't have that kind of power in our divsion.
As for being a shop steward... I would consider it in the future. As of next week however, I will be going to paramedic school and will be devoting much of my time to it.. but afterwards.. there is always the possibility.... By they way.. the comment about "being concerned for their future"... as you have demonstated.. I don't have to be a shop steward for that.
-- Edited by Clear_my_side at 23:50, 2004-08-26
"I have given my word to Amy, Aultum that if they get over 75 signatures that I will with drawl my petition. " Carlos 10/6 "I will not pull the petition. " Carlos 10/10
Is NEMSA a non-profit business, a partnership, a corporation, an enterprise, what specific type of business is NEMSA? All unions have to register as a business, it just depends what type of business they are licensed to perform. Unions are non-profit, tax-exempt businesses. Once they are busted for corruption, the IRS gets a nice little chunk of penalty money from the non-profit violation. What kind of business license has NEMSA applied for?